Fun and Games and Crushes

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The three of you played games all day, well except for Kuroo, who dropped out just after a few rounds and started to play on his phone. But his company was still nice.
You played about five different games with Kenma and fell in love with many of them.

You never really got to play games like this before as you didn't have a console to play them, so going over to Kenma's was a treat. You hoped that one day, you'd have enough saved to get something for yourself.

"Hey Kenma? Am I staying the night?" Kuroo asked as he finally looked away from his phone.

"Can if you want, mom and dad are away for business right now so.." Kenma replied, keeping his eyes on the tv screen.

"Cool, I don't wanna go home anyways, Emiko is having some her friends over and man..They're annoying."

You chuckled. "You're not wrong."

Kuroo sat up on the couch fast. "I-I didn't mean you L/n..I mean..Ya know what I meant-uh"

You smiled and shook your head. "I knew what you meant. The girls she'd hang out with are like groupies to the basketball team and are annoying...all they do is gossip..and compare things..."

Kuroo raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean compare?"

You sighed as Kenma defeated your character. 
You smiled when you turned to Kuroo.
"Like who's the hottest guy in school, who's the better kisser that they've had..stuff like that.."

Kuroo sighed. "I hope I'm not mentioned.."

"Liar." Kenma said softly making you laugh.

"Well sorry to disappoint Kuroo but, you were often brought up...ya know being Emiko's older brother and all...lots of the girls are simps."

Kuroo's face started to turn red at the thought of Emiko's friends being simps for him. He shook his head and sat up straight on the couch.

"I hated when they talk about that stuff, made me feel awkward and ashamed of myself in ways..."

"How so?" Kenma asks, earning a smirk from Kuroo.

You shrugged. "Well they'd bring up what they've done with their boyfriends and I'd just sit there awkwardly.."

"Ah so L/n's a virgin." Kuroo smirked.

Your mouth fell open as you threw the controller at him.
"Shut it."

Kuroo raised his hands in defeat.

"I'm sorry you felt like that Y/n..I bet it was weird to talk about things like that..."

You nodded to Kenma. "It always turned back to me and they'd just make fun of me..but's my choice ya know?"

The two nodded in agreement.

You let out and awkward sigh and looked back at the tv. "Kuroo you should play a round..I can't beat Kenma no matter how much I try."

Kuroo laughed. "And you think I can? Yeah right, but thanks for giving me some kind of confidence.."

You laughed with Kuroo as you stood up from the floor and let out a stretch.

"You staying the night too Y/n?" Kenma asked as he kept his eyes on the tv, selecting his character.

"Sure why not." You smiled.

Kenma stayed quiet but nodded his head. 
But you swore you could see a small smile etch into his face and his cheeks turned slightly pink.


"We should order pizza and watch a movie!" Kuroo suggested as he started the match against Kenma, already losing really badly.

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