Iwaizumi's Date

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As you and Oikawa got closer and closer to your cousin and his date, you squinted your eyes.
She looked familiar to you but you couldn't put a finger on it.

You stopped dead in your tracks, making Oikawa stop suddenly.
He raised an eyebrow to you.
"Y/n-chan? You okay?"

"It's her..but..the fuck?"


You never really told Iwaizumi or Oikawa about your past in Nekoma.
You never told them about Renjiro.
They did know about Kuroo and Kenma, minus the whole you liked Kenma thing...but here she was...Kuroo Emiko, standing next to your cousin, smiling her usual smile to him as they spoke a few words.

"I-I don't think I can do this Toru..."

Oikawa's eyes widened. "Hey what's wrong? You never call me by my first name..so what's up?" He looked back over to his friend and his so called date.
"Do you know her?"

You nodded slowly.

Oikawa let out as sigh, releasing your hand and took a step to stand in front of you.
He put both his hands on our shoulders.
"Look, I don't know what she has to do with your past, but I'm here okay? And your cousin needs you..just pretend for tonight and then talk to him after...I can see she must of hurt you in some way since the look on your face says so..but if you need to really get out of there, just tell me and I'll drag you away from all of it..."

You looked into his chocolate brown eyes, nodding your head slowly.

Why is he acting so nice? This isn't like the Oikawa I used to know..what happened to you?

He gave you a small smile, reaching for your hand again.
But this time, you felt a bit of comfort in his hold.

The two of you walked closer to the couple and your heart started beating faster and faster.
Would we recognize you?
Isn't she getting married to Renjiro? I mean that's what Kenma told you.
Is she acting like a different person?

"Hello Iwa-chan! And.." Oikawa said as he looked to his date.

"Emiko...Kuroo Emiko." She smiled to Oikawa.

Oikawa looked over to you. Your face was pale and your eyes glued onto hers.
Oikawa remembered you mentioning a Kuroo in your life, but it was a boy you talked about...maybe they're related in way, he thought to himself.
And from the look on your face..He may be on the right track.

"And you are?" Emiko asked.

Oikawa looked back over to her. "Oikawa Toru." He smiled.

Then Emiko looked over to you, she raised an eyebrow, acting like she doesn't know you at all.
That kinda pissed you off a bit.
This girl has hurt you beyond words in your past and she has the audacity to pretend like she does't know you?

You cleared your throat. "L/n...L/n Y/n..I'm Iwaizumi's cousin." You added on, so she knows where you stand.

Emiko held back a nervous smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"Shall we go in?" Your cousin asked.


As the night progressed, you found yourself not hungry in the slightest. You also couldn't stop shaking your leg under the table.
Every so often, Oikawa would out his hand on you thigh to make you stop, but that only made it worse.

You listened in on the conversations, but decided to stay silent.
This also reminded you back in high school..how Emiko would keep you out of conversations and keep it all about her...If only Iwaizumi knew..

"You okay?" Oikawa whispered in your ear.

You shook your head no to him, which made Oikawa feel uneasy. He has never seen this side of you.
Usually you were either making side comments or smiling along with the conversation...But now..You were silent and lot in your thoughts.

"So L/n-san? Right?" Emiko started, which made you shoot your eyes to her.
She smirked. "How long have you and Oikawa-kun, been dating for?"

Iwaizumi furrowed his brows, as he knew this type of question would pop up.

Oikawa was the one to speak up. "Actually this is our first date too.." He smiled to you.

Your widened your eyes, surprised that he didn't make up a number of how many years you've been 'together'. That's when you thought that he knew how anxious you were, and to pretend even more would probably send you over the edge.

"Oh really? You two seem closer then that.." Emiko interjected.

"Well, we've been friends since high school..We went to Seijoh..but Y/n-chan here told me that she went to another school before..In Tokyo..Nekoma was it?" He looked to you.

You nodded shyly and looked over to your cousin who was staring at you with curious eyes.
He was trying to read your mind but he couldn't figure out anything.

"Now you also said that Kuroo was your last name yes?" Oikawa continued.

Where is he going with this?

Emiko cleared her throat. "Uh..yes.."

Oikawa smirked. "I can't help but ask..But are you related to Kuroo..t-t..Y/n what's his name?"


"Ah yes, Kuroo Tetsurou?"

Emiko looked uncomfortable, but she played it off with a smile. "I'm sorry but no..I don't know anyone by that name..."

"Ah sorry..I guess I mistaken you..My apologies." Oikawa smiled.

"It's no worries, thing like that happen." She smiled back.

You looked over to your cousin, trying to tell him with your eyes that she was lying..You regretted not telling him about your past with her..but you just wanted to erase her from you memories.
Get away from her shadow that you lived under for so many years...And yet here she was..In your life again, and on a date with your cousin..your cousin who helped you build yourself back up after what she did to you.
The cousin who you became so close with that you two were like brother and sister.
Iwaizumi didn't have a clue what she is to you..and that's your fault for not telling him..

Oikawa cleared his throat. "Well I hate to cut this short, but I promised Y/n-chan here that I'd take her for a walk under the stars...and I don't like to break my promises." He stood up and held his hand out to you.

You knew he was trying to get you out of her and you didn't waste a second on taking his hand.
You nodded goodbye to your cousin and Emiko, trying to ignore the stare your cousins was giving you.

You turned to Oikawa.
"Thanks..For getting me out of there..."

He looked to you, no smile on his face like he usually has. "What happened in Tokyo Y/n?"

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