A New Chapter In Life

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"Wait what do you mean that she's moving to Miyagi?" Kuroo asked.

"That's what she texted me..she said she's leaving tomorrow.."

"Tomorrow? But that's too soon! What about her birthday? Is this why she left so early? To go home and pack?"

"No Kuroo, that's not why she left this morning.."

"Then what? Why did she text you saying goodbye and not wait till we woke up?"

Kenna sighed and handed over his phone to Kuroo. Everything he wanted to know was right in the text message.
Kuroo's eyes widened as he read.
"Wow..you kissed? Damn..but...Kenma this seems like she's never gonna see us again.."
Kuroo looked at his friend with sad eyes, handing the phone back over.

"I don't think we will Kuroo...Not for a long time at least.."

Five years later.

You finally returned back home to Japan after taking a two year exchange student program in America.
It's been a long five years since moving to Miyagi and starting over. But nothing or no one could bring you the feeling you had when you'd hang out with Kuroo and Kenma.

You lost contact with the two when you moved. having to quit your job resulted in losing your phone, since you couldn't pay the bill.
Seijoh was also a hard to school to get into and once you were in, the work was ten times harder then in Nekoma. You remember cursing yourself every night because you didn't understand the curriculum. There was no room to have a part time job.
Endless nights you wished to be back home in Tokyo, playing video games with your two friends.

Your parents ended up finding good paying jobs and your mom went back to college and took night classes so she could become a teacher like she always wanted. Your father had decided to pursue his dream in opening his own restaurant.
They were making steady money now and no longer were in debt. Turns out all they needed was some help from family and to just start fresh.
You on the other hand, didn't know what to do with your life back then. It wasn't until your parents decided to get a divorce only a year after moving to Miyagi, when you found a new love for digital art. This also resulted in the interest in video game design. You would draw when you felt anxious or sad, trying to occupy your mind.

You decided to go to University in Miyagi for a four year game design program, but in your second year they offered you a fully paid exchange program, and you couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Moving six years ago also made you become closer to your cousin Iwaizumi Hajime.
You two never really spoke unless at family gatherings but, transferring to Seijoh had resulted in a closer relationship.
You found yourself becoming good friends with his best friend Oikawa. Although he tried to win your heart many times, you never gave him a chance for a relationship like that. Besides, your heart still wavered for a pudding head back in Tokyo.
That never changed even now.


"Welcome back!" Iwaizumi smiled as you walked passed your airport exit.

You smiled ack and engulfed him into a tight hug."I missed you! how are you? How's the team? How is mom?"

"Everything is fine, but first let's get you back home so you can change and shit, then we'll go our for dinner, Oikawa just came home last week too."

"How is he doing?" You scrunched your nose. "He found a girlfriend yet?"

Iwaizumi laughed. "Oh please, hookups and flings, yeah. But a committed relationship, yeah nooo."

You nodded your head with a smile. "Man it feels good to be home."

"No doubt, come on let's get out of this cramped place."

You nodded to your cousin and followed him out to his car. He helped you put your Luggage into the back.
He smiled. "Wanna go to your dad's restaurant?"

You nodded frantically. "Yesss! I've been dying to try out his food since he told me he officially opened last year!"

"Alright sounds good. Can you text shittykawa for me?" He said handing you his phone.

You hummed in agreement and looked for Oikawa's contact. "DumbassKawa? Nice contact name...I see nothing has changed in these past two years..."

Iawizumi smiled as he started to drive. Leaving the car to fill with comfortable silence.

"Awe man, I have to get a new phone plan soon too..Since mine is still an American plan..." You sighed.

"Speaking of America, what do you plan on doing now that you're home here?"

You smiled. "Well, I've been doing a lot of research of video game companies looking for more artists and well..I have an interview tomorrow afternoon."

"Wow tomorrow? I can give you a ride if you want?"

You nodded. "That actually sound awesome..Also can you help me find a place? I don't really wanna crash at your place forever and well...I don't wanna have to choose between my mother and father...it'd just cause a fight.."

Your cousin laughed. "Yeah, that's fair...but you know I don't mind you crashing at my place, you'll have your own room so stay as long as you want."

"Thanks Iwa..Man..Oh he said okay..Also he told you to tell me that he said HAiiii" You mimicked Oikawa's voice.

"Hey that was a pretty good impression."

You laughed. "Thank you."


Arriving at your dad's restaurant, Oikawa was leaning up against the wall next to the door, he had a grin in his face as he opened his arms.
"L/n-Channnnn I missed you!"

You rolled your eyes as you gave him a small hug. "Hello Oikawa. I did not miss you one bit."

"Oi don't speak English to me! I'm still learning ya know!'

You and Iwaizumi laughed as you opened the doors.
The smell of fresh bread and chives filled your noses.
"Awe man...I'm excited.."

"Does your dad know you came home today?' Your cousin asked.

You nodded your head. "Yep, and he told me that he'd be working so..I hope he's not in the kitchen..."

A server stopped the three of you and smiled. "Table for three?"

"Yes please, oh and is the owner in today?"

The server raised an eyebrow at you. "Yes...may I ask why?"

You smiled to her. "I'm his daughter Y/n."

Her face softened with a smile. "I'll go tell him, but follow me for your seats."

The three of you walked to a booth and of course Oikawa had taken the seat next to you, making you roll your eyes at him.

"Y/n? Y/n honey is that you?" You heard your father's voice.
You pushed Oikawa t move out of the way as you jumped to your father, engulfing him in a tight hug.

"Oh I missed you Y/n, You going to America has surly given me grey hairs."

You chuckled. "No that's just old age setting in. But I missed you too dad."

"It's good to have you finally home." Your father smiled.

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