The Aftermath

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The next morning you woke up with a rush of heat on your face.
When you opened your eyes, you noticed that you were in the same position you had fallen asleep in.
Hugging Kenma's arm.

His head as drooped to his side, almost leaning on yours, he still was fast asleep.

You smiled to yourself as you remembered the events of last night.
He comforted you, even though you two aren't that close.
But after last night, you knew that would all change.

You carefully untangled your arms from his own and tried to get out of bed without waking him up.
Kenma stirred a bit but stayed asleep like you wished.

Once out of bed, you remembered what your mom said, and left your room to go and talk to her, assuming she was already awake like usual.

Once you got downstairs, you were greeted with a cheerful mother, and a tired father.

"What time did you get home father?"

He chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Very, very late.. They put me on the closing shift last night.. Since someone called in sick last minute."

Your eyes widened. "But that would be over a twelve hour shift.."

He nodded. "And now I have to get ready for another eight, but hey, it'll look good on the paycheck."

You looked down at your hands.
"I'm sorry..I'm getting paid today, so I can help?"

Your mother gave your father a glum look, they both shook their heads at you in unison.
"Save your money darling, we'll make due okay?"

You clenched your fists.
"Okay.. But.. Please don't hesitate to ask.."

"You're a good kid, you know that." You father smiled as he took a long sip from his coffee.
"I heard you had a long shift last night too."

You nodded. "Also till closing.. But tips were good so I can't really complain."

"Your mother also told me about a boy walking you home.. Is he awake yet?"

You felt your cheek burn at the mention of Kenma.
"No.. He's uh..still sleeping.."

"I'll have to thank him when he wakes up. I don't like knowing you have to go home that late at night.."

"I know father..."

Your mother offered you a green tea, which you happily took.
Taking a seat at the island counter.

"Wanna explain to us what happened at school yesterday?" Your mother asked with a calm, sweet voice.

You took a moment.
"I broke up with Renjiro.."

Your father's eyes widened."Why? What happened?"

"I found out he was cheating on me..." You felt a lump in your throat as you said those words, no matter how many times you say it, it still hurts every single time.

"And you're the one getting bullied?"

You nodded. "Kenma too.."

"Kenma?" Your father looked to your mother.

"The boy who is asleep upstairs."

"Ahhh, why him too?"

You sighed as you took a sip from your tea.
"Renjiro started a rumor that I was the one who cheated...with Kenma.. But that's not true, I would nev-"

"We know honey.. You're not like that.." Your mother cut in.

"And there were flyers? And the gym was vandalized?"

You nodded to your father.
"We went to the principle, but he said that since there was no concrete proof that Renjiro did it.. He can't act on it.. And he refuses to believe our word.. Even when we told him his motive.."
You felt tears start to sting your newly awoken eyes.
"I didn't want this to happen.. Dragging Kenma into this.. And Kuroo too-"

"Wait like Emiko Kuroo?" Your father asked.

You shook your head. "No.. Her brother, but she's apart of this too.. She's the one he was cheating with..."

Your mother gripped her coffee mug tight as she heard the words coming out of your mouth.
"Some friend.."

You nodded.
"She's not anymore..."

Your father reached over and put a hand on your shoulder. "You don't need people like them y/n...I'll call your principle myself and get things sorted... Just in the mean time, keep your head up okay?"

"So this other Kuroo, I believe I remember him, when I used to take you over to their house, it seemed like he was always answering the door." Your mother smiled.

"That's him.. He stood up for me, and Kenma too.. That's why I hate how this is happening to them...the rumors are towards Kenma, but...word spreads fast.. And gossip goes out of control.."

"Oh to be in high school again.. Yep I don't miss it one bit." Your father joked.

"Honey, why don't you go wake up Kozume, I'm going to be making breakfast soon."

You nodded as you left the kitchen, walking towards your room, you could overhear your parents.

"Never in my life would I think that Renjiro would do such a thing... He was so nice when he came here.."Your mother spoke.

"Just goes to show how fake people can be.."

"You don't think that this Kuroo and Kozume will be the same right? I don't think I can take another heartbreak..she has enough to deal with..."

"I don't think so hun...the way she talked about them.. She never once talked about Renjiro or her friend that way.. I think these two will help our daughter.."

"I hope so.."

You shook your head with a small smile, you hated to trouble your parents with silly drama like this, but you also appreciated how much they cared.

Walking into your room, you noticed that Kenma was just starting to wake up.
He opened his eyes and started feeling the bed beside him, feeling no one there he looked to the door to see you standing there with a shy smile.
"Good morning Kenma, Breakfast is being made..You can shower if you want..."

"Oh okay.. And uh.. Good morning Y/n.. Are you feeling better?"

You nodded. "I am..thanks to you."

You didn't know this, but Kenma hearing those words, made his heart skip a beat.

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