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"Guys, I don't think it's supposed to be snowing," Y/n said, leaning forwards to see out the windshield as they turned the corner.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," Diego said, leaning his head against the window to look out at the barn.

There was a green barn and a yellow house off to the side. The long driveway lead up to the barn and the house, and it was covered in snow. The entire area was covered in snow, seeming to come from a big cloud above the barn. The snow seemed to have randomly appeared and disappeared, like there was a border between the plot of land and the outside area.

As they started driving down the driveway, there was a crack, making them all look over to the barn. The cloud above it was at least triple the size of the barn and was shooting lightning bolts into the barn. Energy kept cracking from the inside of the barn, which was glowing and flashing green.

Lightning hit the barn again, making a cracking sound. Everyone swung the car doors open and got out quickly. Y/n moved over and got out after Five since she was in the middle. Klaus followed Diego out of the car and everyone slammed the car doors shut.

"Do you think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Diego asked as they all took a few steps towards the barn.

Five glanced at Diego before looking back to make sure that everyone was out of the car. "Well," he said, looking back at the barn. "The correlation is high."

The door to the barn suddenly opened and a blonde woman came running out with a rifle in her hands. "Sissy!" Vanya yelled at the woman as she cocked the gun and kept running towards them.

"Get back! All of you, just get the hell back!" Sissy shouted, running down the small hill before stopping with her gun pointed at the group.

"Sissy!" Vanya shouted. "Hey! Hey! What's wrong?" she asked, taking a step towards Sissy.

Klaus put his hands up as a surrender from behind Y/n, who was standing on Five's right. They all looked at Sissy as she gripped the rifle harder and panted, looking from them to Vanya. "Carl," she said, panting.

"What did he do to you?" Vanya asked, putting her hand out to Sissy.

Five glanced over at Y/n before looking back at Sissy and Vanya. Y/n fixed her the collar of her cloak. As Sissy saw this, she pointed her gun at Y/n, gripping it tighter. Y/n put her hands up next to her shoulders, showing she wasn't going to do anything. Five looked from Sissy to Y/n quickly before turning his attention back to Sissy as she started talking again.

Sissy eyed Y/n before looking back to Vanya. "He's-" she started, breathing shakily as she shook her head. "He's dead." Vanya put her hand down, raising her eyebrows slightly. "Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin'. What did you do to him?"

Vanya shook her head, "No-"

"Vanya, what the hell did you do to my son?"

Diego started forwards, "We don't have time for this."

Sissy moved her rifle to point it at Diego, making him stop in his tracks. "Where you think you're going?"

Diego put his hand out towards Sissy as Luther walked towards him. "To help your son," Diego said.

Y/n sighed, readjusting the quiver around her back. "Look, Sissy, I found my family." Sissy looked from Diego to Vanya as she put her hand behind her to gesture to the others. "These are my brothers, my sister, and my brother's- girlfriend."

"Vanya, we are not-" Y/n started loudly, getting cut off my the energy cracking again. Five turned his head to Y/n, raising an eyebrow. She raised her eyebrows, tilting her head. Five shrugged, looking back at Sissy.

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