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Y/n sighed, finding the group of people a little ways away from Stadtler's restaurant. "Swartz," Y/n said, keeping a stern voice as she walked up to one of the women from her group.

Jill Swartz snapped her head around, smiling at Y/n. "Y/n!" she exclaimed, trying to be quiet. "Where have you been? We've all been worried sick!"

Y/n scratched the back of her neck, "Oh- Right- I have some, uh, friend problems." She shook her head, "Nothing that you guys have to worry about. He's just- an asshole."

"The friend that you were waiting for?" someone said from the side, causing Y/n to inwardly groan.

"Fuck off, Banks," she grumbled, shaking her head before looking at the others. Someone caught her eye, causing her to do a double take. "Allison?"

Allison turned away from Odessa, the woman who owned a hair salon. "Y/n?" Allison breathed, cracking a smile.

"Allison," Y/n smiled faintly.

Allison started shaking her head. "Oh my God," she laughed, walking up to Y/n. "I thought that you were-"

"Dead?" Y/n asked, wrapping her arms around Allison. It felt weird, she never really was a hugger. Especially not to Allison. She wasn't a huge fan of Allison after she had first met her back at the Umbrella Academy. But, just like the others, except Luther, she had grown to like Allison a lot more than she originally had. She really hadn't ever known, and she still really didn't know, how much she had actually cared for them. She didn't even like being around all of them, right?

"Yeah," Allison chuckled, shrugging slightly into their hug.

"I thought so too. Until I came in contact with dickhead."

"You found Five?" Allison asked, pulling back.

"He found me. It was and- interesting encounter," Y/n tilted her head slightly before shaking it. Allison raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "Oh my God, Allison," Y/n shook her head again, rolling her eyes. "Stop, no. Oh- god."

Allison started laughing, "Have you guys-"

"When are we gonna go in there?" Y/n asked, cutting Allison off. Allison smirked at her quickly again before shaking her head and turning to Odessa.

Odessa nodded, giving them the okay.


Allison took a deep breath before pushing open the door and walking into the restaurant. She paused as everyone in the building looked at her. They gasped and shook their heads in disbelief. Looking straight forward, Allison continued walking forwards into the restaurant.

"Okay, she's in," Odessa said as they all stood outside the restaurant. "Remember, sit down and don't stand up. No matter what happens, you stay seated. Got it?" Everyone nodded in understanding. Odessa nodded in approval, "Good. Now, get in a line and let's do this thing."

Allison sat down at the counter and put her hands out onto the counter, putting her hands together. A waiter carrying a pot of coffee stopped in front of her and pointed to the door, "Out." Allison looked up at him, not moving. "Else I'm calling the police."

"I'd like to be served, please," Allison said.

A waitress huffed and quickly walked over to the waiter. She pointed to the sign that read "We cater to white trade only." "Can't you read, girl?" the waitress asked rudely, scowling at Allison.

Allison turned her head slightly towards the waitress. "Seven languages," she stated.

"She really knows seven languages?" someone in the group asked from outside. Even though they weren't in the building at the moment, they could still hear the conversation that was going on inside.

sorry i'm a shit daughter♡︎Where stories live. Discover now