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Y/n tried balancing herself as she landed in the main entry way of the Umbrella Academy. The whole house started shaking, causing dust to fall from the ceiling. There were tiny explosions as glass started shattering around her. Y/n dropped the briefcase next the wall. "What the-"

There was another explosion, causing her to snap her head around. She sighed, quickly running through the living room and towards the bedrooms to find the others. She didn't care if Five was there or not. She just wanted to help the others.

As she raced down the stairs, Diego came out of his room and started walking down the hall. "Yo! What the hell is going on?" he shouted as Luther exited Allison's room and furrowed his brows.

"This isn't normal," Y/n said loudly, coming down the stairs quicker than before.

Pogo started walking down the hallway towards Luther. As Y/n got to the bottom stair, Klaus stumbled out of his room and looked around. "Are those explosions coming f-"

Pogo turned to Diego and Klaus, glancing at Y/n. "Vanya," he stated. "We need to get to safety outside the academy," Pogo said before there was another explosion.

"Wait, is Five here?" Y/n asked, walking over to Klaus and Diego.

Pogo shook his head and turned to her, "I'm afraid not. He left, but we need to get out as soon as possible."

Klaus and Diego nodded, taking a few steps backwards.

"Miss Y/n."

Y/n turned to Pogo, tilting her head.

"Take good care of Five for me. It was wonderful to meet you."

Y/n smiled and nodded, "As it was to meet you, Pogo."

Klaus waved towards himself, gesturing for Y/n to come with them before the three of them turned around.

"Don't forget Mom!" Diego shouted as they started running down the hall. The house shook again as more explosions went off. The walls started cracking around them as they ran past.

There was an explosion that shook the house, then another, then another. Glass kept shattering as another explosion went off.

The three of them ran through the hallway towards a yellow couch with paintings on the walls around it. "Mom!" Diego shouted as they got to the couch. "Where is she?" he asked as they saw Grace wasn't there.

"Mom!" Klaus shouted, looking around for Grace.

The ceiling above them started cracking, meaning that some of it was going to fall at any minute. "Come on!" Y/n shouted, grabbing their hands and dragging them across another hall. They followed after her, running with her down the hall. "Grace!" Y/n shouted as the ceiling by the yellow couch cracked more and fell to the ground, causing the house to shake even more.

They all kept yelling for Grace as they continued to run around the area of the house. Turning down another hall, the ceiling above them cracked. Without warning, a chunk fell on top of them.

Klaus and Y/n groaned as they hit the ground and moving around. "Dammit," Y/n coughed, hitting her chest lightly as some blood was drawn from her collar bone. A corner of the ceiling chunk had come down and hit her hard enough to draw blood. Though, it hadn't ripped any of her clothing.

Klaus started coughing as glass shattered from somewhere in the house. The ceiling above them started rumbling and cracking like the other part of the ceiling had.

They're eyes widened as they both turned and started hitting Diego lightly, trying to get him to move. "Diego!" they both shouted as Y/n started shaking him.

sorry i'm a shit daughter♡︎Where stories live. Discover now