Day 11- Finally (1-part day)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing

Friday, June 6th, 10:00 am right now.


"Katara," Sokka said, knocking on her door. She nodded at him and he walked in. "Uh, Arnook sent us a note." Katara nodded, signaling him to continue. 

"He said he found someone for the Northern Tribe, and since dad has a long life ahead of him, I'll take the Southern Position once he- Avatars and Spirits forbid- passes." Aang started glowing for a split second at his call, then stopped as soon as it came. Katara dropped her breath and let a tear drip. 

"Sokka, I don't know if that's a good idea." He sat down next to her and rubbed her back. "I know I'm irresponsible, but if it's something like being Chief of the Southern Tribe, I think I can manage." She let out her first smile since Aang died again and a small chuckle. 

"There's the smile I've been missing. Sis, I can manage it, you know." She frowned again. "I know you can, bro. If you put your heart and soul into something, you can focus on it perfectly well. But that's not what I'm worried about." He nodded and rubbed her back a little more. 

"What're you worried about?" he asked. "I'll have to stay in Republic City with Aang, once it's made. I don't want to have you go back to the Southern Tribe," she complained. "Zuko, Mai'll,  and Azula'll be in the Fire Nation. Toph'll probably open some sort of metalbending thing in the Earth Kingdom. Suki'll either come with me or stay in Kyoshi Island, where Tylee'll be. And all of our other friends, along with On Ji, will be gone in a matter of days." She groaned. 

"And that's all if  Aang comes back!" she hissed. "Listen. To. Me. He will be ok. Do the Spirit Water-tear mix. That seemed to work," he said, shaking her by her shoulders. She dropped the water into Aang's back and turned to look at him. 

She pulled him into a hug which he happily replied to. "I love you, sis. No matter what." She let a tear fall down his cheeks. "I love you, too, bro." He giggled as they broke off and she wiped the tears off of them. 

"Katara, if you cry any more, you won't have any tears left in you by the time we reach Ursa," he teased. She giggled, knowing it was probably somewhat true. 

"Guys, hate to burst your bubble, but we're at the stop. Let's find Ursa," Mai said, walking in the room. "You all go find him. I'll stay here," Katara said. 

"I am not leaving this ship unless you come with me," Zuko stood. Katara groaned. "What if he starts choking? What if his heart stops pumping? What if-" 

"I'll stay with the twins," On Ji said. "We won't be much help, anyways," El said. "Fine. But is anything happens, one of y'all is to run out of the ship and find me, understood?" Katara said. They nodded. 

"Come on," Sokka said, pulling her off the bed. She groaned and got up. "I love you," she whispered, pressing a small kiss on Aang's lips before walking after Sokka and Zuko. 

"Wh- why're we at the Boiling Rock?" Tylee asked. "Oh, Ursa sent me a note saying she's here," Katara replied. "And you didn't tell us?" Zuko snapped. "She said not to," Katora helped, holding onto Katara for dear life. She smiled and hugged her back. 

"What if she's hurt? Dad's in there! He just fucking killed  Aang!" Azula hissed. "She said she can protect herself," Mai muttered. 

"Can we just go?" Sokka asked. "Me, Timber, Oak, Iroh, the twins, and On Ji will stay here and guard the ship. You guys just go," Igloo said. "Take care of Aang," Katara said. "Just shut up and go, he'll be fine." 

She pouted as they all jumped off the ship and onto the gondola. "It's broken," Tylee said. "We got that," Sokka said. Suki elbowed him in the ribs. 

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