Day 1- Figuring Things Out (part 1)

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Warning: Contains swearing and kissing

Tuesday, May 26, noon right now. 


"Can't Appa go any faster?" Sokka complained. "Sokka, it might take us a week to get there, he's carrying so many people," Aang replied. 

"A week?! I can't wait that long!" my brother cried. "If I hear you complain one more time, my head is going to explode, Sokka!" I whisper-screamed. 

We've been flying for a day. There are 12 people on Appa, including the twins, On Ji, and Team Avatar. Aang decided to start steering, and I sat down next to him. Azula hung onto Appa's tail while the twins sat down on the saddle for a little bit. Toph's skin is growing back, along with Mai and Suki. But the bones aren't healing how I wish they would. 

"Really, Sokka, we're fucking deaf and we're annoyed," Al complained. "Fine. But I'm tired," he said. "Sokka, we've been flying forever! Everyone's tired," Suki scolded from under him. 

"Guys, Appa's gonna fall asleep any minute," Aang said. Everyone groaned and I covered my ears. "Let's just land," Zuko said. 

"Ok," Aang said. After another 5 minutes, we landed somewhere in the middle of the ocean. "We need to find a ship. He can't fly us all," I whispered. Aang nodded and told everyone what I said as I covered my ears. 

After another 20 minutes, a ship was headed our way, steered by Iroh. We all got on and I helped the broken girls to a room to heal them a little better. 

We all eventually got settled in, and everyone fell asleep in a flash. But me. Even though I was the most tired here, I can't sleep with a pounding head. 

I carefully got out of Aang's grip and walked to the girls' room, almost collapsing a few times. I eventually got there and removed Suki's bandages, placing water on it and wrapping it back up. 

Sokka and Zuko slept in a different room, as of right now their girlfriends have a fucking hole through their leg bones. And they could die if something gets inside it. 

I realized I don't know how to heal a bone. I slid my back down a wall, trying not to cry from annoyance. We would have to get them a healer before they die, and Aang's a worse healer than me (no offence babe), the twins just learned how last August, and that's all of our waterbenders. 

I got up and wiped a few tears from my eyes, opening the door to go tell Iroh our change of direction. But I found Zuko at the door. 

I was so happy to see someone awake that I just leaped into his arms. He hugged me back, resting his head on mine. 

I heard his heartbeat in his chest, and thought of all the times I wish his heartbeat was gone. I feel so bad. He's being so nice to me, now. 

"I can't do it," I whispered. He nodded. "I know, Kat. I know. Calm down, I already told Iroh to head to the Northern Tribe. We'll be ok. They'll be ok," he whispered, rubbing up and down my back. I hyperventilated for a few more seconds before catching my breath and leaving the room. 

"Kat, get some sleep. I know it's only half past noon, but you're the most tired out of everyone here," he whispered. 

"I can't. My head's pounding like crazy, I can't sleep." He frowned. "Then just stay with Aang. It'll be ok," he whispered. I nodded slowly as I went back to my room. "Thank you," I whispered, stopping before I went in. He nodded and walked into his room. 

Aang mumbled something before freaking out that I wasn't next to him. "Sweetie, I'm here," I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed me down into the bed, locking our lips. 

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