Day 1- Figuring Things Out (part 4)

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Warning! Contains: Violence


I picked up Katara after she blacked out and handed her to Tylee. She held her easily as I went to go grab On Ji. 

"Back off!" I barked, throwing a punch at Hide's jaw. "Did you just hit me?" he asked, dropping his grip on On Ji. 

"Yeah, idiot!" I answered. "Who do you think you are?" he asked. I rolled my eyes as I saw On Ji crawl away out of the corner of my eyes. 

"The Avatar, idiot. You're gonna stop following us and hurting my friends, do you hear me?" I asked, grabbing him by the front collar. 

"Why should I?" he asked. I narrowed my eyes. This kid has a death wish. But he probably knows the worst I can do it take his banding aw- Wait! 

I pinned him down to the ground and pressed my finger on his forehead, and after a second I was done. He collapsed to the ground, and I smiled as I ran back to Tylee to grab Tara. 

"Guys, he's waking up," On Ji panted, running to catch up as I positioned Tara on me. "Of course he is," Sokka said. Tylee took Suki's wheelchair as he ran over to smack him with his boomerang. 

A second later he came back. "I honestly don't know if he's alive or not; but who cares," he said. I frowned as I controlled Tara's breathing a little. 

"Make sure he is," I said. Sokka rolled his eyes and took Suki's wheelchair. "Let's just go," Toph said. I nodded. 

We got into the ship and I place Katara down on her bed, and realized something was off. I leaned in to see if she was breathing, and she wasn't. 

Tara.... Not my Tara. No. 


I woke up and quickly shut my eyes from the bright light. "Sweetie! You're up!" someone said, leaping on me. 

"Aang?" I asked, my voice not above a whisper. I tried to cover my ears but instead I hugged him back. "I love you so much, my love," he whispered into my ear. I blinked back the tears but they just pooled out of the corner of my eyes. 

"Aang, what's wrong?" I choked out. "Tara, you died. I swear, your heartbeat stopped," he whispered. I widened my eyes. 

"Sweetie, I'm right here," I whispered. "Baby, I was so scared. I swear I thought you were gone forever. Please, don't leave me," he whined into my hair. I rubbed up and down his back, running over his scar. He winced. 

I made some water and placed it over the scar, running my hand under his robes. "Sweetie... it's ok," he muttered. I shook my head as he lay on top of me. 

I rubbed the water around, trying to feel all of the energy pent up in him. There was so much. I think there actually might be some lightning inside of him. 

"Aang, can you go in and out of the Avatar State when you want to?" I asked. He shook his head. "I haven't been able to since the Guru," he answered. 

"Why not?" I asked. "Well, in order to master the Avatar State, I had to unlock all of my seven chakras. To open the last one I had to let go of the thing that's keeping me down on this Earth," he explained. I nodded, making the water a little brighter shade of blue. 

"So?" I asked. "Sweetie, it's you. You were- and are- the thing keeping me down on this Earth. I couldn't let go of you, and I still can't." I moved the water inside of him and slapped his back before picking up some more water. 

"Aang! How dare you chose me over the Avatar State!" I whisper-yipped. He snorted. "I'd choose you over the Avatar State any day, my love." I frowned. "And I know for a fact you can't stay mad at me." I smiled in defeat. 

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