Day 3- Families (part 4)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, kissing, tears


"4," Zuko said. "I got 2. Damn it!" Sokka groaned, giving him his cards. "Hah. I got 5," Syka said. "I have 3," Suki said. "6 and bored. Come on, you guys," Mai said. 

"Girl, this was your idea!" Azula said. Kat giggled, leaning into Aang's chest. He held her close, making sure her heart was beating strongly and her head wasn't. 

"And now I'm bored." Kat giggled again. "You know, same," Al said. "Come on, what else can we do that doesn't  involve being Team Avatar for a day?" Zuko asked. 

Knock, knock. 

"Come in!" Kat exclaimed. "Kids, I stopped at an island. It is the last island before we get to the Northern Tribe. Get as much food as you can," Iroh said. 

"Three people not including Sokka, come on," Aang said. He got up and Katara got up with him, but Zuko pulled her back down. 

"No fucking way. We can't afford another person right now," Suki said. "Honestly, I think we already have to much. I shouldn't have come-" 

"On Ji, sit down," Mai said. She sat down. "Zuko, Toph, can you come with me?" Toph smirked. "Come on, let's go." 


"Toph, you get enough meat to last Sokka the next 2 days. Zuko, you get us some disguises to wear. I'll get enough food for Tara, Ty, Syka and I," Aang said.  

The two nodded and the three separated. 20 minutes and a whole lot of arguing later, they were back where they left off. 

"I got two pairs of clothes for each person. It took a while, but we're ok," Zuko said, holding up a large basket filled with clothes. 


"I got Snoozles some meat and I got some rice and dough that Sugar Queen can turn into something," she replied, holding up a bag of meat and another bag filled with bags of rice and dough. 

"Ok. Let's go back," Aang said. They all headed back to the boat to find Sokka pacing the front deck and Suki rubbing her temples in her wheelchair, Mai doing the same next to her, Azula rubbing Mai's shoulders. 

"What the fuck's wrong?" Zuko asked, putting down the box of clothes and pecking Mai's cheek. Azula pulled him into a hug and he looked surprised as hell. 

"Zuls, you haven't hugged me since you were born," he muttered. "You'll never lose me ok?" she whispered. 

Aang saw Syka and the twins on a bench as Azula sat down next to On Ji and Tylee on another bench. Kat was the only one missing. 

"Was she thrown overboard?" Toph asked. Aang's heart stopped. "What the hell, Toph?" Suki asked. Toph snorted. "I'm kidding. She's in her room. Why's she sleeping?" Aang's heart continued to work. 

He bolted inside, dropping his bag of food on the floor. He slammed open the door and Kat didn't even flinch. She just lay in bed, not moving a muscle. Aang felt himself stop breathing. 

"Sweetie?" He quietly walked over to her, placing a hand on her forehead. She was boiling. "Sweetie!" He placed water on her forehead, freezing it up quickly and trying to cool her off. 

Katara bolted awake, hyperventilating. Aang leaped on her, enclosing her in a tight embrace. "Aang, baby, when did you get back?" 

"A minute ago. What the hell happened to you? Why're you passed out dead on your bed, sweetie?" 

"I think I passed out. I haven't drank water in a-" 

She turned to find Aang's face that looked terrified and sad. He created some water out of thin air and threw it in a cup near him, handing the cup to Kat as quickly as he could. 

"I'm fine, Aang," she tried. "Drink it or I'm not giving Sokka his meat," Aang replied. Katara knew how grouchy her brother got when he didn't get his meat, so she took the cup. 

She eventually drank it all and Aang took the sup and placed it on the bed side table. "Sweetie, why didn't you drink water?" Kat sighed and reached out for Aang, who leaned into her arms. 

"I love you." Aang shed a tear, letting it drip down his cheek. "I love you too." 

"You know what, let's go before Sokka kills me," Aang said, smiling. Katara pulls him in, and he happily accepts the kiss. 

"Really, though," he muttered. Katara let out a tiny moan and finally let go of him, smiling and blushing like crazy. 

She lent on Aang the whole time, and they got outside a few minutes later. "Aang, I swear, you have the magic touch. No one else can get her awake," Sokka said, giving her a giant hug. 

"It's not a magic touch, it's waterbending." "We're waterbenders," the twins said. "And you can't wake her up?" he asked. They shook their heads. 

"It's a magic touch, sweetie," Kat said, leaning up to kiss him. "That's still doesn't feel right." "Not at all," he agreed. 

"Aang, did you end up giving her the ring?" El asked. Then she threw her hand over her mouth. Katara giggled. "Yep, right-" 

She held her hand up, but her ring wasn't on it. She put out her other hand, and it wasn't there, either. "Where's the ring?!" 

Katara started freaking out, looking all around for the ring. "Kat, it probably fell off when you fell off the ship the other day," Tylee said, taking her hands. Aang helped her sit down. 

"I'll just have Yue help me make another one, babe. It's fine," he said, leaning in to peck her. "Yue made that?! I feel so bad!!" 

"Kat, they made it in the Spirit World. It's fine. Come on, now," Azula said. "Ok. I'm ok," she said, calming down a little. 

"It's fine. I'll get it once we're in the Northern Tribe," he said. She let out a deep breath. "Ok." El smirked. "So you gave it to her?" They giggled and nodded. 



He turned to look at the blue-eyed waterbender staring right at his back, a seriously painful look on her face, which pained Aang to look at. 

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" He got up and held her in his arms. He hugged her dearly, trying to calm her down. She sniffled into his shoulder. 

"When you were struck, did it hurt?" Aang knew how much it hurt her to talk about this, so he just held her tightly. 

"Sweetie, of course it did. I mean, I died. But I'm ok now. Listen, that's all in the past. I'm alive, and I told you I'd never leave you again." 

He rocked her back and forth, calming her down a little bit until her crying stopped. "Please don't ever leave me again." He rubbed her back a little. 

"I never will. Ever. I love you." She blushed and smiled as he hugged her tightly, rocking them back and forth until they eventually got under the covers. 

"I love you too. Goodnight, sweetie." She gave him a quick kiss, leaning up, before she closed her eyes and pressed her head on his chest, listening to the small heartbeat. 

"Goodnight, my love." 


Hey everyone! I have to get to bed in a minute, so this is gonna be quick! I hope you really like this chapter, sorry it's awkwardly short! 

Random: Whatever you dream about, I hope it's an amazing dream! 

Have an amazing night's sleep! (1234 words)

Much love xx -Ema

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