Day 1- Figuring Things Out (part 3)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, violence


Aang helped me bolt out the door to Zuko, my head pounding once again. I saw him standing there. 

"WHAT IN THE FUCKING SPIRIT WORLD DO YOU WANT, ZHAO?!" Zuko barked. I winced, putting my hands over my ears, and collapsed to the floor. Aang caught me and put me on a chair where he could send Zhao into the Spirit World, but still see me and make sure I was ok. Best boyfriend ever, tell me I'm wrong. 

He put something in my ears so everything was a little bit toned down, and it helped like hell. 

"What the hell do you want, Zhao?" Aang asked. "None of your fucking business. I have business with Prince Zuko-" 

"That's Firelord  Zuko to you," Aang interrupted. "Does it look like I give a flying fuck? No, I don't. I'm taking your crew, Zuko" he said, walking over to me. I flinched and protected my face with my hands, and Aang water-whipped him away from me. 

"Unless you want to die, I advise you to leave," Zuko said, pointing towards Aang, who's face was filled with rage. 

"What? This 12-year-old, skinny, bald monk is gonna take me  down? Nice one," he said, narrowing his eyes. Aang calmed down, and then shot a rock at his... haha. 

"NICE ONE, TWINKLETOES!" Toph shouted from the room. I snorted. Aang walked over to me and pecked me on the cheek, causing me to blush, before helping me walk back to the room. 

"How the fuck did he get here?" I asked. "From the island we are on. Come on, there is no food in this ship," Iroh said, walking out. We all followed him to see that Zuko had burnt him a few times and just thrown him overboard. 

Zuko rolled Mai and Sokka rolled Suki off the ship, and I legit collapsed and Aang and I tumbled down the slope. At least we didn't fall off. 

"Sweetie, are you ok?" he asked, leaning me against the slope. I shook my head slowly. It was gonna explode. 

"Sweetie...." He pressed some water on my head, and it lessened the pounding a little, but I still felt like I was gonna explode. 

I whined and shut my eyes. Aang muttered something under his breath and I felt the water turn white. 

Aang healed me for a few more minutes, until the pounding was just barely noticeable. He helped me up and we all went to sit down at a restaurant. 

"Are you sure your ok, Kat?" Sokka asked. I nodded. If I didn't die from nodding, I'm fine. He smiled. 

"Jeez, that was one hell of a fall," Aang said, pressing some water against a cut on my right shoulder. I blushed a little for whatever reason. 

"I love hoe Twinkletoes only started swearing after my parents called you a peasant," Toph snickered. I snorted and blushed a little more. 

"Hey, I warned you. No one calls my Tara a peasant," he said, putting some water on my right elbow and sealing up a deep scrape. 

"Oooh, you got a good one," Suki smirked. I smirked back. "I know." Aang healed my knuckles and then brought them up to his hand and pressed a small kiss on them. I blushed. 

"Damn it, Aang, can you not?" Sokka asked. Suki pecked him and he blushed, and then we all laughed. "Say what?" Zuko asked. Aang and I snorted. 

"Ok, ok, I get it, I'll leave you two alone," he said. "Thank you," I replied. "How much longer do you think it'll take until we get to the North Pole?" Tylee asked. 

"A few weeks," Zuko said. I choked on my tea and Aang bent it out of my mouth. "What the hell? The holes'll probably be healed by then!" I barked. 

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