Day 9- A Random Day (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: Kissing, Pecks, Swearing, 

Wednesday, June 3rd, 10:00 am right now.


"I'm joking, you know," Igloo snapped. "I just convinced him that he didn't kill hundreds of people, and you go telling him he did?" Katara hissed, her hands flying in front of her.

"Aang, Kyoshi's probably the one who killed them all," Suki said, reaching for his hand. "She's 100% right," Sokka agreed.

"No! I'm a monster! I killed so many people!" he cried, flopping back onto the floor. Oak groaned and slapped his girlfriend on the head, hard. She glared at him and he did it again.

"Again, Kyoshi killed so many people," Toph said. "What the fuck was that for?" Azula asked, turning to look at Igloo. "Just telling the truth. But Aang, it really was a joke. You didn't kill anyone good." She instantly winced at her words.

"So I did kill people?!" he asked, sitting up. Katara slapped Igloo hard on the cheek and walked over to her boyfriend, sitting down next to him and rubbing his back.

"Of course, Aang. You don't think they survived, do you?" Zuko asked. Katara cuffed his neck up with ice.  "But listen, they weren't good people, anyways. They were horrible people, they were all they to try and kill you. Do you want me to die along with you?"

Aang shook his head. "Can I talk to you?" Katara nodded and helped him to their room, where she sat down, pressing a hand to her pounding head.

"Remember how you told me that you were never confused?"

She nodded, not knowing where this was going. "Please, Yue, tell me he's not breaking up with me," she thought.

"You know how we decided to postpone our relationship until after the war?"

She could only utterly nod again, watching him take her hands in his. He's not.... Right? "Aang, are you breaking up with me?" she asked. Aang's eyes widened.

"What?! Oh, Spirits, no! Raava, why would I do that?" he asked, pulling her into a tight hug. "Kind of the opposite, actually." Katara's eyes widened.


He laughed, and it was like music to her ears. "Do you know why I didn't want to kill the Firelord?" She shook her head a little. "Because Air Nomads think that all life is sacred, right?" He shook his head and nodded at the same time.

"Well, kind of. That's exactly why, but it's also because I'm the only Air Nomad alive. Like, if those were Water Tribe traditions, and you had to kill Ozai, you could do it, because there are others who can keep your culture alive. But there's no one else who can keep my culture alive. I guess that's kind of why I couldn't kill him. Also because it's out of my comfort zone, but more of the first one."

Katara nodded, looking deep into his eyes. "I know. I didn't like that idea, either, but I didn't think there was another way to defeat him. And you, we, had to end the war, you know, for the world." Aang smiled.

"I didn't end the war for the world," he confessed. He took a deep breath, ready to finally tell her. She gave him a generally confused look as he held her hands again.

"I saw how much this war has effected you. You personally. It took your mother away from you, and, now I know, yourself. I was so helplessly in love with you, Katara. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I ended the war for you. So you would be happy. Because if every word I said would make you laugh, I'd talk forever just to hear your laugh and see your smile."

Katara just sat there, suddenly feeling light-headed. Just when she thought this boy couldn't get any more perfect, here he is. Sitting right in front of her. Confessing his love for her for the millionth time.

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