Day 7- Healing (part 2)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Mini Violence, 


"Do you think you could teach me how to heal a bone?" 

"Of course. But I must warn you, it's really hard to heal a bone. It take time and focus to learn," the healer said. Katara nodded. "I know. My friends' bones may or may not be snapped in half right now and we have to get going soon, so...." 

After a few more hours, it was 2:00 pm. Katara was exhausted from learning how to heal and being healed for almost 2 hours straight. 

She went straight home but was stopped by seeing her brother fighting with Hahn once again. Suki was trying to pry him off, but she gave up and walked over to Katara, smiling. 

"So, my boyfriend's fighting his ex's ex-fiancé and I can't get him out of it. How'd your day go?" she asked with a goofy grin on her face. "Not the best. I'm exhausted. Healing bones is harder than you think," she replied. 

"You know you don't have to learn. We can just stay here until our legs are better," Suki said as they both walked to a bench to sit down. "No, I have to learn anyways. If I don't, then one day, Spirits and Avatars forbid, when you guys get hurt, something terrible might happen, and we don't need that," Katara pointed out. "True," Suki agreed. 

"So, where's Mai and Zuko?" she asked. "Oh, I don't know. Something about hating the colour blue and going back to the ship," Suki said. "Wow. She- wow," Katara stuttered. The two girls laughed a little bit. 

"Hey. You're right, healing bones is almost impossible!" Al exclaimed, sitting down next to Katara. El followed her, looking as tired as her Spirit Twin. 

"Told you. It's not easy," Katora said, walking out of no where. She smiled at Katara before going to sitting on the other side of Suki. 

"It's gonna be worth it in the end, though," Katara said, trying to lighten the mood. Everyone nodded. "You guys really don't have to do this," Suki said. 

"Don't wanna hear another word. We already did it," Aang said, giving Katara a platypus-bear hug from behind. She giggled and blushed before he stood back up. 

"I'll go pry Sokka off of Hahn. Meet me in the house, girls. Tylee, Toph, Azula, and Syka are cooking something," Aang said. The girls nodded and walked back inside to the house. 

"Sokka, listen to me. Go back to the ship and tell Mai and Zuko to get to the house. I'll take care of Hahn," Aang whispered into the warrior's ear. 

"No! I want to give this asshole a piece of my mind!" he barked. Aang sighed and rolled his eyes. "Sokka, I know how to take care of him. Chill out." 

He eventually got Sokka off of him and Hahn stood up. "Thank y- Why? Why, Yue, why are you doing this to me?" he asked, looking up at the sun. 

"Idiot, listen, it's day, Yue doesn't have any power. Kyoshi does, though. Why was Sokka fighting you?" Aang asked. "Because he actually thinks Yue's a good person. He's crazy. The only reason anyone likes her is because of her looks and wealth," Hahn replied. 

This angered Aang. He doesn't like Yue like that, hell no, only Katara, but no girl should be treated that way. No girl at all. Not even Azula before her redemption. 

"That's messed up, Hahn! You're worse than Jet!" he said. "Who?" Hahn asked. "Nevermind. Just fight me," he said, taking a fighting stance. 

"I would love to fight you, but I can't. I have to go talk to Yue, then I have to talk to Chief Arnook about the leaders of the Tribes. Sorry," Aang said, brushing past Hahn. 

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