Day 1- Figuring Things Out (part 5)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, violence, ship crashing, waves


"What time is it?" Katara asked. "9:48," Toph said. She groaned. "Come on, we'll be in the North Pole in a week. We can make the most out of it," Tylee said, trying to change the vibe.

"Then we have to go back to wherever Ursa'll be at that time, which should just take us two more weeks, no big deal," Aang said.

"Ok, why did we agree to find her? We can just stay in the Northern Tribe until you guys are better," Zuko said. Katara water-whipped him.

"Ok, bro, she's your mom, why don't you want to see her?" Azula asked. "Girl, she's your mom too!" Katara said, her voice turning high-pitched.

"Guys," Iroh said, walking over to them. They all turned to look at him.

"We have to dock the boat for the night. There is going to be a huge storm later, and Katara's head might explode if we keep moving," he said. Everyone groaned and Katara covered her ears.

"You know what, thanks, Psycho!" she said. "Yeah, thanks a lot," Suki complained. "Guys, it's ok. We can leave first thing in the morning. What time'll the storm be over, uncle?" Tylee asked.

"Around 3 am," he answered. "Ok, then, we'll wake up at 5 and keep going," Sokka said. Katara nodded. "Yeah, we've got this," Aang said, as if they weren't a few teenagers risking their lives to save the world.

"O- who's steering?" Mai asked as the boat rocked a little. Aang held onto Katara closely so her head didn't start pounding.

"Momo," Iroh said before walking away. They all giggled a little bit. "Oh, come on, you guys. It's all gonna be ok," On Ji said. Katara slowly nodded.

Then some rain started pouring. Slowly at first, and then it started getting faster and faster, and Tara couldn't take the noise anymore.

"Come on!" Aang barked, and everyone bolted inside. Sokka took Suki and Zuko took Mai, and Aang held Tara in his arms as they all ran inside the ship.

"I can not dock it!" Iroh screamed. Tylee bolted over to Mai and grabbed the handlebars as Zuko went to find Iroh in the rain.

"Ty, go take Kat from Aang so he can help Zuko! I've got Mai!" On Ji screamed through the rain. The boat swayed from side to side in the middle of the ocean, rocking everyone on top of it, until one particularly hard sway caused everyone to slide to the front of the boat.

"SUKI!" cried Sokka, holding her by her fingertips so she didn't fall overboard. She watched the wheelchair under her plummet a few hundred feet before getting eaten by a wave.

"HELP!" Suki cried, trying to get a better grip onto her boyfriend. Sokka got onto his legs and pulled her up with both hands, carrying her in his arms as he ran to the inside of the ship.

A giant wave crashed over the boat, and everyone got even more drenched. "MAI!" On Ji barked, using all of her strength to find the girl.

"OVER HERE!" Mai complained from somewhere. Somehow, On Ji found her, and grabbed her just before she fell over board.

"I got it!" Toph barked from somewhere, metal bending the ship bigger so Mai didn't fall off. Mai eventually got back on, and Toph threw the wheelchair over to her, which she somehow got onto.

"KATARA?!" Tylee screamed, looking for the girl. "SHE'S NOT ON THE BOAT!" Toph barked. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" Sokka asked.

Katara stayed dangling from the boat, just by her fingertips, and it was so faint, Toph couldn't feel her. Plus all the water under her feet.

Katara's fingers slipped and slipped until she fell off the ship, crashing into the waves underneath her. Thank the Spirits she knew how to swim.

"FUCK!" she barked when the water hit her leg, right in the lightning strike. The salt water got in all of her scrapes, and it took everything in her not to give up and die right here and then.

Katara swam and swam for hours and hours, endless, until she felt like she could die. "Please, Yue," she whispered. She collapsed in the water, and Yue caught her right before she drowned.

She brought her limp body all the way to Element Island, and landed her on the sand, where she cried until her head stopped pounding just enough to go to sleep.

Aang bolted over to Zuko, trying to help him steer, but he found that the handle was broken. "Dude, we're fucked up," Aang muttered as he tried to waterbend the boat to safety.

"AANG! KAT'S GONE!" Tylee barked after a few more minutes. Aang's eyes widened and he almost instantly was on the main deck.

He saw her fingertips on the side of the boat, and bolted to her, pushing all the water near him to death's end. But he was to late. She fell.


Hey y'all! This chapter is kind of sad, but at least everyone makes it out alive, right? I kind of just wanted to put some more drama in this, I don't know. Book needs to have a nice little kick off.

Random: What was the last purse you used? It's really pretty, I guess!

Have an amazing night! (796 words) (Sorry it's so short)

Much love xx -Ema

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