Day 5- Confessions (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, 

Saturday, May 30th, 9:00 am right now. 


A light shone in front of the waterbender, stopping her in her tracks and causing her to fall backwards into the river she was skipping on. 

"The hell?" 

The light in front of her quickly dissolved, turning into the Moon Spirit, beautiful and graceful as ever. 

"Yue? Wh- Am I imagining things?" she asked herself out loud, confused. "No, no, listen. I finally found you. It took us 11 years,  but we found you," Yue replied, taking the girl's hands in hers, a huge smile on her face. 

"H-how did it take you that long? And why are you guys looking for me?" 

"1, because you were in disguise, and I just became the Moon Spirit a little less than a year ago. 2, we're re-uniting you. Stand tall!" she squealed, clapping her hands. A few Spirit bunnies appeared, fluttering on their wings. 

"Wh- Really?! Thank you!!" It's been 11 years  since she saw the other half of her, she's missed her so, so much. 

Yue placed the Spirits in order, one in her arms and one on her head, and took some water from the stream, bending it around her in a circle bubble so she can still breathe. 

Then she was in the Northern Tribe. 


"Ok, what do you mean, Spirit Twin?" 

Katara groaned and fell backwards over the bench, frustrated. "Like us," Al said. "Ok, but what's the difference between normal twins?" Toph asked. 

"Spirit Twins are a completion of each other. You get a glimpse at the end of the day, telling you what happened in your Spirit Twin's day," Syka explained, holding a small rock in between her thumbs and playing with it. 

"Wh- but how is that possible?" Zuko asked. 

"So you all know Raava, right?" Aang asked. Everyone nodded. "Raava is the light inside of the Avatar. But there's another light, Raavia, the light inside of benders. When the Spirits create a child, sometimes they put to much of Raavia inside one bender, so they end up splitting the child in half, literally. Your Spirit Twin is legit the other half of you. You two can't live without each other. When one of you gets hurt, the other gets a mark where you were hurt. When one of you dies, the other suffers for a few months, getting heartaches and heart attacks that don't kill you." 

Everyone turned to look at Aang, except the Southern Water Tribe folks. They knew all of this. "So, what about the song? What does that have to do with anything?" Suki asked. 

"Each set of Spirit Twins gets a song. The Spirits look into the Twins' lives before they're born and choose one twin to get complete control of the song. The one who doesn't have control can only use it once every two years. And when you sing it, the entire world can hear it. The. Entire. World. Even the deaf; they become able to hear just the song  for that amount of time. But everyone turns mute," El explained. "And then your Spirit Twin can either see what your doing and help you remotely or teleport to you." 

"What's you guys' song?" Tylee asked. "We don't even know. We didn't figure out we were benders until the whole North Pole thing," Al said. Ty nodded. 

"Ok, and you decided to keep this a secret from us for this whole time?" Toph asked. "You were a secret from the whole world your entire life," Sokka said with a shrug, earning him a slap on the arm from his girlfriend and a scowl from Toph. 

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