A/N - Not an Update but News

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Okay, Nana here with some news.

My house is being semi-renovated. The carpet for my room is being removed to be replaced by tiling. BUT, the people doing this didn't tell us until two days before they do it. Grammy was abit pissed as she didn't know. I have a few minutes until she helps me put away stuff in my room to somewhere else for the time being.

I probably won't get started on the next chapter until a few day's have passed and I won't be online that much as I'll probably have the watch the dogs or help my Grandmothers. By the way, her bathroom is almost finished but it looks awesome!!! Everyone wants her bathroom now! XD.

Also, I'm having insomnia for the past nights were I'm starting to sleep during the day. It's a women problem, something that happens every month but it'll pass after some time.

I'm putting this here so you guys don't get anxious for the next chapter. I don't want to cause you guys anxiety as I'm facing rennovations and things over where I'm at.

Please be safe, make a Karen rage for no reason to distract yourself or if's she's being a bitch, make someone question life, or wonder why the fuck technology hasn't killed everyone off the planet yet.

See ya after a couple of day's have passed.

See ya later, little readers~!

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