chapter eleven

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She fluttered her eyes open as she finally woke up from her slumber, then she instantly recalled her surroundings. A soft hand was placed on the top of her head; she was still laying on top of Asami. Korra couldn't deny the butterflies in her stomach, along with the blush running from her neck to her cheeks. Asami's arm that wasn't busy through Korra's hair was hugging her waist. It was a normal position for the two, but it still made her heart jump at the thought. Korra decided to look up, and her blue eyes widened way too quickly at the sight.

Oh fuck.

Asami was nothing less than beautiful. While awake, her facial features were mostly demanding and came off as intimidating, or occasionally nervous. Her asleep was a different story. She looked so calm and ... soft. Her pale skin looked so, so soft. The heiress's eyelids fluttered the same way they did when they laid on the dock at the lake. She looked like a painting.

How does she look like this when she's literally sleeping?

Korra then realized that she was staring at her friend while she was literally sleeping, which was kind of disturbing so she stopped herself. The tan woman slowly made her way out of Asami's delicute grasp and crawled off of her bed.

The two had spent last night together at Korra's apartment. Asami went over at around five so they could binge watch movies and just hang out. They didn't realize the time at one point, and it was too late for Korra's liking for Asami to drive home by herself. She insisted on her staying over, and the green eyed woman accepted. This would be their second time falling asleep together, but their first time having a "sleepover." It was a good thing that they were so comfortable with each other. They didn't even bother to have the awkward argument over who will sleep on the bed or the couch or the floor or whatever. The women gladly cuddled up to each other like they always do during yet another movie, and it seems that was the one to knock them out.

Also, it was nearing Korra's birthday with it only being less than two days away now. The CEO had been teasing her presents, even though she said numerous times she didn't want anything. She was still pretty excited to see what Asami had gotten her, though.

Korra rubbed her eyes, still trying to adjust to the light in her bedroom, and scanned around to try and find her phone. She then spotted it on the edge of the bed, and her eyes went wide for the second time in the past three minutes when she turned it on.

It was two in the afternoon.


She walked over to her curtains and opened one up. It was bright daylight outside. The quiet street the business woman had fallen asleep to was now busy again. Without thinking, the younger woman began to shake Asami out of her nap. Well, maybe a little more than a nap.

"Asami!" Korra whisper screamed into the engineer's ear, only to receive a very low growl. "You should wake up."

After a few moments, Asami eventually began to shift and opened her eyes while blinking rapidly. They were now making eye contact, both of them realizing how close their faces were to each other. At that, Korra quickly jumped away and scratched her cheek, trying to look everywhere but the woman in her bed.

"You're awake!" She cheered awkwardly.

"Yeah." The pale woman stretched shortly and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She looked back up to Korra. "How long were we asleep?"

"I have no idea."

"What time is it?" Asami began to look around for her phone as well, but it didn't seem to even be in the room.

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