Barley + Y/n = ? (Barley D'Amelio)

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Barley's View

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Barley's View

"Come right on in. Class this is Y/n Y/l/n, who will be joining our chemistry class for the remainder of the year." Mr Scott says.

"You can go sit next to Barley who's wearing a grey hoodie," Mr Scott says.

Y/n sits next to me and the whole class stares at her.

She thought it was because everyone thought she stood out. It was because the boys thought she was cute and the girls could add another person to their group like she was some type of wishlist.

"So class pair up with one other person to work on the project with." Mr Scott spoke.

"Want to be partners?" I ask.

Y/n smiles and nods her head.

Time Skip

It was now lunchtime and Y/n didn't know where to sit. Y/n saw me and sat next to me.

Y/n is really cute and she seems like a nice girl. I'm not afraid to admit my sexuality like some people named Charli.

"I'm Charli and you may already know my twin sister, Barley." Charli says.

Y/n just kept looking at her tray and stayed quiet.

The whole lunch period, Y/n stayed quiet.

The bell rang and Y/n got up. She dumped her tray and left.

"You okay?" I ask catching up with Y/n.

"I'm fine." Y/n says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes, thanks for checking on me, but don't get to close to me. Because I just make everything worse." Y/n said before running off.

What did she mean by that?

Y/n's View; 1 year later...

"We wouldn't have won without you." I say.

"Liar." Dixie says.

"Let's all go to Pete's Pizza, on me." Avani says.

"You don't have a job." Dixie says.

I fist pump Dixie and Avani nods her head.

"Fair enough. Let's all go to Pete's Pizza on Dixie." Avani says before everyone follows her.

"I never said that." Dixie says following them.

I follow them and I run into Barley.

"I'll catch up with you guys." I say.

"Hello, my love." I say putting my arm around Barley.

"You were great in the game." Barley says.

"Thanks. We're all going to Pete's Pizza. Do you want to come?" I say.

"Sure." She says.

Time Skip

Charli and Dixie D'Amelio Oneshots #2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now