Chapter 57

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You walked into the kitchen, right behind Erin. He hadn't spoken much with you since your return, probably too pissed about his lacking centimeters. You took the box he tried to reach from the upper shelf, and said: "Wow, your frustration looks so small from up here." You chuckled as he jumped away from you. "You! Don't you dare come near me! Am I clear?" He replied, while pointing a finger at you. You leaned on the kitchen counter with a face that literally asked to be punched. Yeah, you knew how to irritate people. "I said, am I clear?" he repeated his question as you stayed silent. "I heard you loud and clear, but that doesn't mean that I will do that." You answered, while you turned a lock of hair around your finger. He let out a frustrated growl and stomped away. You ignored that subtle sign of 'Leave me alone!'. "You know, I offer you free piggy back rides!" You yelled, as you trailed after him. "Even the Yonko's don't get that hono...Oi! Did you even listen?" You stopped for the door he slammed shut right into your face. Geez, someone didn't get enough sleep last night... You thought, before knocking cheerfully on his door. You loved to invite yourself in the lion's den after all...

It had been 7 months since you left CP9, and 7 months since you joined the Navy, although the last one happened to be more of an accident. Short summary: you escaped to Water 7 and stowed away on a ship. Surprise! A ship filled with Navy recruits. Count one and one together...and you have Private (L/N) (Y/N), on her way to the Head Quarters!... Yeah, World Government was not so smart to check their own ships...And it helped that you had colored your hair white. It was that or neon green. Maybe that had been the better option...Ânyways, You were on your first mission outside of the headquarters, under the supervision of...Sakazuki! Wow! Yes, you were still surprised you actually survived that. But that was mostly because of the presence of his protégé Jonathan and...Hina. And no, you didn't set out to sea to kill innocent civilians. No. Your division had to protect one of the Gorosei. Yes, you heard that right. This particular Celestial Dragon was the one with the birthmark and a moustache that was so big it had it's own passport. So, super security and all the other blah blah. And they left you in charge of it. (Enter asthma laugh here). Well, not technically, but who didn't want to obey your divine being?

"No! And don't you dare to ever disrespect me again by suggesting such low practises!" Sakazuki thundered, as he hit the table with his fist. "But when we take only a little bit, they won't know!" You protested. "Didn't you hear me the first time?!?" The Admiral replied, literally fuming. "They will ony throw it away! I am only asking you to look away!" "Captain (Y/N) I will stripe you of your ranks if I catch you even throwing a look in their direction!" Akainu was one of those people whose lowest volume was screaming. "Fine." You murmured, while you started to pout. "But I won't share my red pepper satay anymore!" You said, just loud enough so he could hear you while you trotted to the door. The man didn't bulge. Seriously, what was wrong with him? You literally threatened to never share his favorite food again...Wait? Did you ever share food? Oops, loose threat.

"(Y/N)-kun, that was very brave to do." Hina commented while taking a puff of her cigarette, as you walked out of the door. "They are literally throwing tons of food away and he doesn't even let me take the left-overs!?!" You let your food-frustration on the loose. Hina patted you on the shoulder, a soft touch, before taking you outside on the upper deck. "Hina is always surprised by your actions." She said, the first signs of heavy smoking audible in her voice. "How should Hina describe it...You like to put your head always in the lion's mouth, while pulling his tail. And then you are surprised that the lion actually bites." You frowned, not quite understanding what she meant. "But Hina.. My head is too big to fit in the lion's mouth." You protested. She let out a low laugh, that made you flush. As no one was around, she closed the polite distance between you and put her head against your chest, while your hands intertwined. "Your eyes are innocent and wise and sad at the same time...Sometimes you're so close and the next you are a far, distant star...what happened to you?" Her voice trailed of in the cool night air, a small cloud shading the stars. "I wish I could tell you." Your mouth formed the words, but no sound supported your message. Sometimes, we all wish to stop time and carry on the moment in eternity...

"Erin? Can I come in?" You cooed happily. As he didn't answer, you opened the door carefully and walked in. The room was empty. You sighed. Sometimes, we all have to see the truth. You thought by yourself. You knew where he was. But you couldn't follow him there. "After all, a lot has to be finished before then." You said to the empty room. It didn't answer, luckily. So you took place behind Erin's desk, your jacket, once owned by Katakuri, mr. Badass himself, and started to write. You didn't want to waste your own ink and paper, after all.

I know! Supershort, but please don't be dissatisfied! This was filler. Shit is going down in THE NEXT CHAPTER. Tell me what you think will happen :). Also, Whipslash didn't pee her pants as Akainu almost blew her face off! Respect.

Questions - part 2

Author *still wrapped in the chair*: So, can you continue with your questions? Because I really need to pee!

Whipslash: Stop nagging! Geez, everyday...

Author: Well, I was not the one who planted a foot in my face last night! You see this Black Eye?.. . That was you!

Whipslash: Your bed is too cramped!

Erin *tries to stop Whipslash from giving author another black eye*: Actually, author...I have always been wondering how this house is still standing after all this time? (FoodsRMyThang)

Author: It's not. Crocodile, honey, you don't have to hold that lamp up all the time. Can I now go to the toilet?

Whipslash: Nananana! What do you mean your house is not standing anymore? It's perfectly fine!

Author: Really? *points up* This became a movie set-like situation. The walls are from cardboard, we don't have electricity or wifi anymore, and maybe the open sky above us must give you a hint?

Whipslash: Sokka! That's why we are sleeping in tents now!

Author: Can I go pee now?

Whipslash: Putting that aside, how do you fit us all together in your houes?

Author: Tents. You know, there is actually a lot of space in closets. And you can literally pile people up. That's why Moria, Absalom and Kuma share the bathtub. That's also the reason why the bathtube fell through the floor...But you can't take everything for granted, right?

*It starts to rain*

Author *heavenly tortured*: I really need to pee...

Erin: Whipslash, but why do you still share the same sleeping bag with author?

Author: I like to know that too! But I really like to go to the toilet!

Whipslash: But author is so warm...And I am her favorite...

Doflamingo: That's not decided yet. Fufufu-

Whipslash: It's not like you're going to be favorite! *opens umbrella and holds it above author's head*

Tashigi: The rain is quite heavy, should we go inside?

*Everyone leaves except Pinkie*

Author: Hey! Are you leaving me here all tied up!?! I still need to pee!

*Everyone ignores author*

Author *desperate*: Doffy, could you free me?

Doflamingo: But I like it when you are near me and don't try to make a run for it...Especially tied up. Fufufufu-

Author *sweatdrops*: Stop being a pervert! *tries to shuffle away* Aaaarghh! Chairs are not made to run!

Doflamingo: Fufufufu- My little author- so cute...


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