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Annie wasted no time in making an appointment the moment she was able to do so. She got home, went to bed, woke up, got ready for school, and while on her way there, called a nearby clinic to schedule it for the Friday after school, which was two days away. She scheduled it so soon because she didn't want time for second thoughts to appear. If Annie was actually going through with this, she needed absolutely no distractions or hesitations.

She parked her car once she arrived at school and took a moment to sit in silence. Her heart was lightly thumping in her chest as if she was doing something risky. However, Annie wasn't able to dwell on the feeling because her attention was shifted to the soft knocking on her car window. She glanced in the direction and noticed Ymir standing there all by herself. Annie unlocked the doors and beckoned for Ymir to come in and sit with her.

"You killed it at the game yesterday, Annie! Reiner, Bert, and I were thinking of taking you out for dinner tonight to celebrate. What do you think?"

"I'm aborting the baby this Friday."

Ymir immediately went quiet as she just stared at Annie with wide eyes. Well, she wasn't expecting to hear THAT out at 8 in the morning. Nonetheless, Ymir let Annie's words process through her head and took the time to form a response.

"Okay... Like I said, I'm going to support you and if this is what you want, then I'm here for it. Is that all you wanted to tell me? Just needed to get it off your chest?"

Annie shook her head and stared blankly forward, not looking at anything particular. She was trying her best to not seem like she cared about this whole situation, even though it was all she could think about.

"I... I'm not sure how it's going to play out and I don't really want to be alone... So I was wondering if you could go with me to the appointment? You don't have to, of course. I wouldn't want you feeling uncomfortable..."

It was quiet once again, but Ymir made sure to reply in a timely manner. She knew that Annie was a bit on edge about this, so Ymir didn't mind helping her out at all.

"Yeah, I'll go with you. It's not an issue at all. Like I said, Annie, I'm here for you and I'm gonna support you. Feel free to ask for anything, and if it's within reason, then I'll most likely do it for you."

Annie allowed herself to smile at Ymir's words; despite all the teasing that went on, Annie truly did care and appreciate her. She moved her gaze to the side, allowing Ymir to see her smile. Ymir smiled in return and Annie climbed across their seats to hug her, holding her tight for a few moments before pulling away.

"Thank you for all of this, Ymir. You've gained the title of number one best friend, so you better be happy."

"Gained? Psh. I've always been the number one best friend! Reiner and Bert could never compete with me!"

She rolled her eyes at Ymir while taking her keys out of the ignition, reaching into the backseat, and grabbing her backpack. Ymir got the silent message of "We're getting out of my car" and exited through her passenger side door. Annie emerged seconds afterward then locked up her car.

"So, I'm assuming you already talked about it with Mikasa?" Ymir asked in a quiet tone as they began walking, just to make sure no passersby heard.

Annie side glanced at Ymir with a raised brow but returned her attention to her front to avoid accidentally walking into someone.

"Why would I need to talk to her? She's not the one having the baby, so why should she have any input on whether I kept it or not?"

"Maybe because she's the one who knocked-" Ymir lowered her volume even more. "The one who knocked you up. Wouldn't you want her to at least know and talk about it with you?"

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