❝ if i were you ❞ pt. 1 - M. ATSUMU

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❝ if i were you ❞ by 2ne1

i wish we could be together
just for a day
so i can let you go
without regrets

Enjoy Reading!


You felt like it had been eternity since Atsumu broke up with you, when in reality, it was just yesterday. You eyes hurt so much from crying yourself to sleep, then waking up in the middle of the night with your pillow awfully wet from tears to text him an apology and fell asleep again, only to find out in the morning that he has blocked your number when you were about to ask if you can go to school together and talk it out.

You walked alone in the streets where you were surrounded by cheery conversations amongst their friends and significant other, as if life just decided to mock you. You tried to ignore it and continued on your way, your pace going faster than before.

You headed towards the gym, where you were sure that the volleyball club were doing their final set for their morning practice. You were determined to pull Atsumu out of practice to talk to him, but when you poked your head out from the opened door, your reddened, puffy eyes immediately met his. His usual smile dropped to a frown in a flash, and his gaze turned into a sharp, burning glare, which caught you by surprise. You could tell how his mouth made a small movement that he clicked his tongue in annoyance and broke eye contact with you.

Before anyone from the team see you, you hurried away, heading straight to the comfort room of your classroom's floor, locking yourself inside the furthest cubicle to cry your eyes out. He looked at you in disdain, worse than yesterday, and it continued replaying in your mind as your eyes remained closed.

Suddenly, your mind decided to mess up with you more and made you recall what occurred yesterday.

It was just the usual day wherein you watched the volleyball practice after your club activities along with other people, mostly fangirls. You acted like their manager and helped out in whatever they needed. Nothing was strange.

Being in Osamu's class, you knew that he wasn't in a good mood after a specific class that ticked him off. So when you told your boyfriend, who was picking on his twin as usual, he brushed it off and ignored your remarks, and so, a fight ensued. You and the others tried to separate them, but only their captain, Kita, was able to calm the two down and decided to have a short break.

You checked up on Atsumu afterwards, scolding him softly for being harsh on Osamu when he was obviously going through a hard time, but he then slapped your hand away when you were about to hold his hand to soothe him, even telling you to leave him alone. You understood that he, too, wasn't in a good mood so you complied, letting him cool down.

After the break, that's when it happened. When a group of three fangirls, who were freshmen from the way their uniforms looked so brand new, stopped by the gym to watch the twins and cheer for them. Of course, they didn't know of Atsumu's attitude when it came to noise, and they just happened to be so in love with your boyfriend that they made it sound like there were hundreds of viewers.

Atsumu was merciless, calling out the three girls and insulted them, as if he was pouring the irritation towards the unknowing crowd, who ended up storming off in tears. It was the first time you've seen him go off on his fans like that, so the whole gym became silent. You approached him from your seat, entering the court to scold him for being so harsh towards them. Suddenly, he aimed everything towards you, complaining about how you always complain about everything he does. You tried to remain calm as you explained that you wanted him to be a little mindful of others, then he said, "If yer gonna nag at me like that then let's break up."

You were taken aback as it escalated so quickly. You never fought with him within the few months of dating him. So this is what happens when he fights with someone? No. You didn't want that. So you firmly said so, insisting that you two should talk it out, and you were beginning to feel frustrated, too. But he was stubborn. He kept saying how you should've been understanding of him and other childish remarks that you couldn't believe he'd actually say.

When you still wouldn't accept the break up, he had turned to face the other side of the court and said, "We're over, so scram."

Heartbroken, you collected your things, and rushed out before a single tear could slip from your eyes, feeling humiliated and angry at how he treated you in front of his teammates and his fans. You walked home alone that night with no one to give you their jacket because you felt cold, just like how you walked to school in the morning with no warm hand to hold.

The memory of his expression from moments ago would forever be imprinted in your mind. It was like he viewed you as the most distasteful trash of all and it hurt so much that you were convinced that you were at fault. You wanted to apologize but he seemed like he didn't want to even look at you.

You lingered in in the cubicle longer after you heard the bell rang. You decided to skip first period to calm yourself down, but your eyes refused to listen and kept spilling out warm tears. Your hand covered your mouth, muffling out every cries that escaped you in fear of getting heard by the teachers.

You werw ready to leave when it was already lunch break, having spent hours trying to calm down. Your eyes were extremely puffy, so you had to look down to cover your eyes as you walked in the hallway. You heard a familiar voices closing in on you that you tried to walk farther away from the group but someone held your arm, stopping your steps. You refused to look up, in fear that it might be Atsumu.

"Did you come in just now? Yer super late, y'know?" It was Osamu. You let out a relieved sigh, looking up just a little to meet his eyes underneath your hair. He noticed this and brushed of your hair to the side. His group had widened their eyes, except for one who remained indifferent at your presence.

"I-I'm sorry," you pulled your arm away from him, letting your hair cover your face once more, feeling yourself shrink under Atsumu's cold gaze that once looked at you lovingly, "s-some bug bit me, s-so my eyes became swollen. Sorry about yesterday, too...
" After offering such dumb excuse, you rushed inside your classroom, settling yourself in your seat, ignoring the looks you got from your classmates, who obviously knew what happened yesterday.

You could hear a few of them talk about you and how they pitied you, but their voices soon died down from your ears as you stared at your desk.

You felt pathetic.

It took days for the fact to sink in that you two really have broken up, and seeing him flirt with some of the upperclassmen made you realize how he has been perfectly fine in contrast to how you felt. You wanted to yell at him for not suffering like you are, but you still beat yourself up, thinking you were in the wrong.

You isolated yourself from everyone. You evaded Osamu whenever he tried to talk to you before, during, or after class. You couldn't talk to him, not when he shared the same face as the one who broke your heart and tore apart your self-esteem.

You passed by Atsumu when you were heading to the canteen during lunch, and he was on the way to your classroom, where his twin was. You didn't spare him any glance, staying close to the walls of the hallway to avoid any contact with him, but still, you two bumped into each other with how crowded the hallway was.

You uttered a meek apology, and hurried off before he could even reach out to you with a pained look of longing.

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