It's all Grey

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It's the first day of their Senior exams and the students were all nervous. Some because of the exams, and others had extra things stressing them out too.

Ashley came to school looking like hell today because that's actually what her life was at that moment. Hell.

She didn't know how but she's pregnant. Okay she did know how she got pregnant but the problem is that she wasn't supposed to. She took all the precautions. She was on pills and she always made sure whoever she had sex with used a condom. Now she's 2 weeks pregnant at 17.

She's officially screwed!

The worst part was the guy who got her pregnant was pressuring her to have an abortion and she's really scared. She knew she couldn't keep the baby. Not if she wanted her mum to not kill her. But what if she dies? Or something happens to her and she can't conceive ever again? She had heard a lot of stories where things went south during abortion.
She honestly didn't know what to do. The most depressing part was that she had no one to talk to. She had never felt more alone in her life.


While Ashley was stressing out about her pregnancy, Moyo was having trouble deciding what he wanted to do about Austin. He liked Austin, he really did. But he's not sure he was ready for a relationship with him yet. With any guy for that matter. He was still coming to terms with the fact that he is gay. His sister knew already, so he felt a little lighter. But he knew he'll eventually need to tell his parents at least.

He knew his parents weren't homophobes or anything. He had never heard them make homophobic comments or act disgusted whenever a gay person appears in a movie or a show.

But that didn't mean his parents would be cool with their son being gay. They might not be bothered then because it wasn't related to them directly. But how would they react when homosexuality is now directly in front of them in the form of their son? Their only son at that.

Fuck! I hope I don't mess up in this exam and the rest I'll have to write.
He thought to himself. Asking for divine help.


Nimi was also having problems at home. Her parents happened to get wind of the rumor about her and Moyin dating. They were beyond pissed. No matter how many times she told them it wasn't true and Moyin was just her friend, they didn't believe her. Not like she was expecting them to anyway, but still!
They've started giving her the silent treatment again and she swore it was worse than the last time. Her parents don't even acknowledge her in public. Even in church.

The day they asked her about the rumor, they outright told her to not relate with them in public. And to not make it obvious. Because they didn't want people around them wondering why her and her parents weren't talking. Also if any of them had heard the rumor, they'll assume it's true once they see her parents avoiding her.

So now she had to figure out how to ignore her parents subtly and how to survive in that hell of a house. At least she was able to disagree with them about her cutting off ties with Moyin. That was one thing she wouldn't do. They left her to it, seeing as she wasn't their business as long as she doesn't drag the family name in mud.

Great! I'll probably just end up dragging their name in coffee then. Either way, the name would get stained. But at least I won't be disobeying them.

She thought to herself while waiting for the exams to start.
Fuck my life! How am I supposed to concentrate now??? She thought, groaning.


Even Deji had his own problems to deal with. His parents were trying to prove to themselves who the better parent was and they somehow came to the conclusion that he, was the perfect tool to use.

Now the house was always filled with them trying to get him to choose between the two of them. Buying him things, trying to bring up useless conversations with him to make it seem like they care, while trying to outsmart the other.

He didn't get it. They were getting a divorce for God's sake! Why did they need to suddenly try to prove things to themselves? Why did they have to involve him?? He still hadn't fully come to terms with them getting a divorce. Now this?
His siblings had gone back to school. Leaving him to suffer alone. He told them about what his parents were doing but their reply was for him to endure till he leaves the house.

Great! Freaking great! At this rate, he was going to get an aneurysm soon.


Moyin could tell her friends and her brother were stressed. And she was extremely worried about them. She felt so helpless too. She really wanted to help them but she doesn't even know how to exactly. She just hoped they concentrate on the exam and do well. She really didn't want them to have to write again next year because they failed.

I am the only one whose life still has some semblance of just black and white. But the grey in the lives of the people around me makes me frustrated.

I'm officially trusfrated in 50 languages!!

Oh dear Lord! Help your children.
She thought to herself, praying the last part.

Just then, the invigilator came in and announced that the exam was about to start.
This is it! We either die or die.
She thought, as she glanced at her friends worriedly.


The tusfrated is actually not a typo, kpop fans would get it.

This is a short chapter, I know. But it was needed.

Some of you probably don't feel sorry for Ashley but I do.
I know she seems like a b*tch, probably is one. But she's still one of my babies you know.

And teenage pregnancy isn't easy at all.

Poor Moyo.
What do you think his decision is going to be? Hopefully a smart one.
But seeing as I'm the author, I doubt that.

I feel like marching up to Deji's parents and rubbing atarodo in their eyes. Then sending kicking them out blind. Like give the guy a break!!!
Divorce is always harder on the child/children.

Anygayyyyy, Let me know what you think of this chapter.
Vote/comment/Feed me with your feedbacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S- Atarodo means pepper in Yoruba.

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