The o2 Arena

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The weeks following the big news had been blur. I was still so confused with what was happening. The next day after the announcement I was quick to hand my list to to Pearson. There was no way I was losing my chance to meet and work with the boys. Today was again a new day, I had my breakfast in a hurry to catch my bus. I had adjusted my way around London now and the Bus was the most convenient to reach work for me. If I catch one on time I would reah work 10 min early and if I don't I would be around 20 minutes. So better being early.

"Good morning y'all" I said seeing Aisha and Zack settled down in my cubicle. "Morning" Aisha said looking up from her mobile screen and Zack gave me a side hug. "Could you even sleep all night" Zack asked me which wasn't strange because I had bags under my eyes. Our team was suppose to work along with another event company in a form of training for the big 6 day concert. For which we were to go to The O2 Arena, the excitement mixed with stress didn't let sleep come so easily. "I couldn't, Just thinking how will I give my best today." I replied back a honestly. "You'll do great. Plus this is a training programme you are suppose to learn today." Zack said helping me settle down. "Thanks man that helps." I said smiling at him sweetly for which I received a wink. Zack was cute and charming which made me like him even more not in that way exactly but he just felt good to be around. I thought to myself.

We reached the Arena on time and the entrance itself made me jittery. Aisha walked along with Tarun behind me and Zack. "This is it" I said to myself. "Hello I am Jenny, I'll be helping you assist us for today." I shook hands with Jenny who was a girl around our age seemed cute and full of energy.  The band playing tonight was an old british band Fleetwood Mac, which I had never heard of making the day more harder. We consisted of 15 people who were to be supervised by me but were assigned their work by Jenny's team. The night came to life I was with the band behind stage with them literally in front of them but sadly didn't know any of them, but was it gonna be the same with the boys? that made my stomach jump in excitement.The band was great in their performance I connected to a lot of songs which I was looking forward to listen to.

 My legs ache standing along the line of the fans for the Meet and Greet out of everything I was given this job. But handling the crowd was not easy I wonder what happens when the boys do this. The night passed with me thinking how everything was gonna be the boys around making me sad I'll have to wait till september when it was just June right now. "Hey!" Zack nudged me on my shoulder. I turned away yawning. "Thank god you are here... I was so bored" I said quietly in his ears. "Yes ma'am always to your rescue" he said putting his arm around me. "Two more to go!" I said now leaning on Zack's shoulder. "Let's get a picture with them" Zack said pulling me before I could I answer. Zack somehow made work more fun than it always was making him the best colleague to have.

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