My Love

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It's almost a month since I came to London and I couldn't ask for something better. I had completely adjusted to the London lifestyle from the cold weather to the food, everything now felt used to.
"Morning Shanaya!" Jennifer said as I passed by her. "Morning Jen!" I replied back with a wide smile. I set my bag on the table sitting down on my chair.
"Hey." I looked up to see Tarun leaning on my table. "Hi Tarun." I said getting the papers out of my bag. "Did you see Aisha around?" He asked. "No. She's late today." I said leaning back in my chair. "Nevermind! I just wanted to tell you another weddings up!" Tarun said. "Oh great!" I said excitedly. "And this time it's a Punjabi one!" Tarun said smiling at me. Wow that's the best thing I've heard today! Punjabi wedding. I am pro!

"Hello guys. Sorry I am late!" Me and Tarun turned around at the same time to see Aisha right behind us. God she looked a mess. "Late?You're very late almost half an hour." Tarun said sarcastically. "I know! I am sorry I just sleptover John's place yesterday so.." Aisha said shrugging her shoulders. "Oh right! Did you guys half fun last night?" I asked teasingly. Aisha looked down blushing smiling at me. The way her hair were a mess and how she wore a scarf around her neck she definitely had a lot of fun last night.
"Okay you girls can talk about each others nights later. Now let's just focus on work." Tarun said making both of us aware that he was right there with us.


When finally we were done for the day Aisha took me to her favourite café. And ever since we ordered our drinks and sat down she didn't stop ranting about her date last night. "Enough about me now, what's up with you?" Aisha said sipping her latte. "What's up with me? You know it work, home and Aisha!" I said making both of us chuckle. "Ayee! C'mon seriously. Any past relationships or looking for a new one?" She said. "Nope! Been single for my entire life." I said. "Are you serious?" Aisha said covering keeping her hand on her chest.
Did I really sound that unbelievable? I thought.
"Why tho? You're so pretty! Men should be throwing themselves at you."
"It's not like men never threw themselves on me. I mean so many of them tried but no one turned out to be the kind I wanted to be." I said honestly. "So any crushes? I mean you must've fallen in love with someone." Aisha asked me. "Of course I did." I replied back smiling.
"Who is the guy then?" She asked curiously leaning in. I am sure she won't be happy hearing about what I'll say next just like everyone else.
"Okay! I am sure you've heard about the One Direction?" I said. "Yes I have and I've heard there songs too." Aisha said simply. "I have a huge crush on Harry styles." I said sighing ready to listen her reply. "Oh my god! A celebrity crush?" Aisha said her eyes wide. "Don't you think you're too old to fan girl?"
"No. Not at all. I genuinely am in love with him." I said smiling thinking about him which made Aisha shake her head.
"You know he lives in North London?" Aisha said. "Of course i do" And I so badly wanna visit his place and just stare at it from outside. "And I am sure you've thought of going there too."
"Yes I did. But I don't know won't it just feel creepy and odd to just stand outside and look at his house?" I said cause I genuinely thought that. "Thank god that thought crossed your mind." Aisha said smirking and then continue drinking her latte.
Whatever it was people said but
No one's ever too old to fan girl.

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