Big News

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A month had passed with so many gigs to arrange. The local bands in London were great. Work grew and so did I. Mr.Pearson my boss was a great man. I still remember the first time I got a change to introduce myself to him. I had seen the enthusiasm in his eyes and his love for Indian food. He was kind, sweet yet very authoritative. "Everyone in in the conference room in 5." Jessica had informed us before we all got ready to leave. "wokayy" I heard Tarun say.

"Good Evening my dear employee, our company after hosting the Twenty one pilot concert yet have got another chance to prove itself. All this month of gigs with the local band was the motive to get into bigger contracts which we successfully." Everyone whispered their guesses while I didnt think of much. Zack questioned me with his eyes across the table and I replied lipsing 'No Idea'.

"okay I'll give you guys a hint. It's the biggest boy band." Someone had been quick to reply with 'Maroon 5' but when it came to the biggest boy band there was only one that crossed my mind "One Direction" I had said without thinking twice. Everyone looked at me when Pearson replied with "Yes uhm" trying to remember my name. "It's One Direction and it's not only one night it's" "6 nights" I replied interrupting Pearson who was just surprised. "Guess we have a fan in here" he said making me smile shyly. "We'll let everyone know their jobs by tomorrow along with the dates. Thank you all!" Pearson said dismissing everyone. I got up to leave but heard Pearson call my name. Guess I'll have to stay back. "yes sir" I said as I sat beside him. "I see you are a big fan-"  "Huge" I Interrupted him again biting my lip. "Right" he chuckled a bit but little did he know the knots forming in my stomach. I.WAS.GONNA.WORK.FOR.1D. 

"I am gonna give you a chance to prove yourself." My eyebrows furrowed. "I am gonna make the the managerial head for this concert If you do great handling one the all six are yours." I just stared wide eyed at Pearson. "Sir, I-I am so thankful I am gonna make sure everything goes right. Thankyou so so so much." I said smiling at him with all of my teeth out. "I expect hard work, no complaints and also I need a list of people you'll need on your team." He said sternly getting into the business mood. "Absolutely Mr.Pearson." I said getting up bidding him a good bye.

Aisha waited eagerly outside the cabin. "We are going for drinks today , your bitch just got 6 concerts to manage." 

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