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It was late tonight. Me and Aisha had decided to go to one of the gigs we arranged and sat down having drinks for longer than we wanted to. The band was just too good and we were definitely gonna give them some more gigs around. I had not drank more than a bottle of beer so I was fine a little tipsy but compared to Aisha who just kept talking to Luke without coming to the point. "He wants to talk to you." She handed me the phone carelessly. "Yes Luke we are at the Monty's" He said a quick 'okay'. "She wouldn't stop" I ran my hands up and down Aisha's back as she puked "She's never like that except when the songs get to good." Luke said handing her a bottle of water to clean her mouth. "What are you two talking about? My head spins."She said leaning into Luke who helped her settle at the back seat of the car. "Nothing babe just sleep." Luke told her kissing her forehead before he closed the door, the gesture made me smile. Then we drove straight away to my place. "Thanks Luke." I said as I hugged him from my passenger seat and looked back to see Aisha sleeping peacefully. 

I made my way upstairs quickly, Unlocking my door I sighed kicking of my high heels. "Good you are back." I gasped in surprise hearing the voice. "What the fuck are you doing here Zach?" I said turning around only to see him leaning on my door. "I came to see you bitch." He said coming forward as I stepped back only to feel my back touch the wall. "You dare take a step ahead." I warned him as I reached for my phone in the  pocket of my dress. Dresses with pockets were a blessing. "What will you do?" He asked me daring to actually step and then I could smell the alcohol in his breath. "I'll scream loud enough to wake up the neighbours and then call the fucking police." I said pushing him behind slightly he was drunk and thus stumbled that too towards the main door. "You wouldn't" He said smirking. "Now I won't have to." I used all my strength to just push him out the door. "Don't even think of coming here again or I'll have you locked up in prison." I said as I slammed the door on his face before he could even reply. I was so scared and right now I had no one to call. I just prayed silently he would leave as I ut every lock possible on my door. Maybe I had to talk to Pearson. 

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