Chapter 48

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Emily and JJ couldn't help but enter the Quantico building feeling a little flustered. Both felt a little paranoid walking into the bullpen, thinking that everyone could tell that they had spent the night with each other romantically.

"Emily!" Reid called out as he approached her excitedly. "I found The Lord of the Rings in Russian! I heard that it's better than in English. Do you want me to lend to you my copies when I'm done?"

"Sure!" Emily told him, trying to act as normally as possible. "So does that mean I'm going to get them in a few days?"

"Probably," Spencer agreed. He turned to JJ. "How'd you spend the night? Emily and I went to go see a movie."

JJ could feel the heat rise up her cheeks. She had kept her relationship with Will a secret from her team, but she had no idea how she could keep her relationship with Emily away from her friends for too long. Luckily, they weren't planning on keeping it a secret for a long time. "I spent some time with my son. He's getting so old. Want to see some pictures?"

Emily hid a smile. She was impressed by how easily JJ had deflected the conversation to her son, which everyone wanted to pay attention to. She felt so happy watching Henry's godfather grin at the pictures of his godson.

"Are you guys looking at pictures of the Jareau Prince without me?" Penelope asked as she approached them at Spencer's desk. "Not fair."

"Don't pout, I just got my phone out!" JJ told her as she hugged her friend happily. She tried to avoid eye contact with the tech analyst. More than anyone, she hated keeping the secret from Garcia. JJ showed Penelope a picture of Henry in his new pajamas to get the attention off herself.

"Awe! He's so handsome! Unlike his ungodly father," Penelope snarled.

JJ rolled her eyes. Will was the last person she wanted to talk about. "Pen. It's okay. I don't need that son of a bitch. And I'm happy."

While Spencer and Penelope oohed and ahhed at the pictures, JJ flashed a smile at Emily, letting her know that she was the reason why she felt so joyful. When the blonde turned back to her other friends, Emily noticed that Rossi was watching them. He winked at her all knowingly and then walked away.

Emily couldn't help but swell up with pride. At least she knew that she had one person on their side.

"Excuse me? What's going on around here? Is there a party, I, Derek Morgan, wasn't invited to?" Derek asked as he entered the bullpen and set his stuff down on his desk and approached the group.

"We purposefully didn't send you the invitations, Derek. You are just known for being the party pooper," Emily joked lightly, looking all smug.

Morgan pretended to gasp and look hurt. "Ouch, Princess. I'm offended. Really. So, what are you all looking at?"

As he walked up to them, Garcia started jumping up and down. "We're looking at pictures of my perfect godson."

Derek looked at the pictures on the phone. "He's going to be a player. I already know it. He's going to be just like his Uncle Derek."

"That's a frightening thought," Emily muttered, making everyone else laugh.

"Yeah," JJ agreed. "Instead he is going to be in healthy, loving, serious, relationships."

"Much more attractive than whatever you do," Emily told him, smiling wildly at her partner.

Morgan punched his good friend jokingly. "I'll have you know, most people find me a catch."

"I'm sure your mother does think that," Spencer joked, not realizing that his comeback was actually hilarious. He watched everyone's reactions and awed faces and grinned.

"Woah, pretty boy!" Morgan said, putting his hands up in defense. "What has gotten into you? Is it 'Everyone Picks On Derek Morgan' day?"

"Isn't it that every day?" Hotch said in a nonchalant voice from behind them.

The team held back their snickers as they all turned to their boss, waiting for him to tell them some directions.

"We have a case. We are heading to Boston. Wheels up in twenty."

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