Chapter 5

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This was one of those moments that Emily wanted to grab the blonde by her waist and push her to the wall and kiss her. Emily blinked rapidly to shake the fantasy out of her mind. "Okay. Okay, I'll back you up. But let's talk to Hotch. Especially if we want the jet."

JJ smiled gratefully. She pressed her fingers against Emily's arm warmly before walking out and heading to Hotch's office.

Emily shook her head. she cursed herself for thinking about JJ in that way again. She pulled out her phone and sent a message to Remi.

Prentiss: Hey, Remi! I'm getting a case at work, but it shouldn't be a long one. When I get back, want to grab some food?

It took a second for Remi to reply.

Ramirez: That sounds perfect! Hope your case goes well. Catch those bastards for me.

Emily laughed at the text message and replied.

Prentiss: Will do.

Ramirez: Can't wait to hear all about it! 3

Emily blushed looking at her phone screen. She knew she was being childish. But this was something that she wasn't used to, and she really liked it.

"Hotch gave us the thumbs up. He isn't happy about it, but he gave his approval." JJ said at the door. "Though he said we can't use too much money."

The brunette looked up at the blonde. For the first time, Emily didn't feel a twinge of longing for her. It was a welcoming surprise.

"You okay, Em?"

"I'm great."
Emily chose to sit across from Reid on their way back home from the case, thinking he would be the last person to want to talk about her new relationship. She moved her chess piece, knowing exactly what he was going to play next.

"Thank you, Reid," Emily whispered to the doctor. "You're the only one that doesn't have a comment about... you know."

The genius furrowed his eyebrows. "About what? The case?"

Emily tried to hide an eye roll. "No, not the case. About my date."

"Oh," Spencer said quietly. He looked truly uncomfortable. "2.9 percent of adults identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual in the United States."

Emily knew this was how he worked. He hid uncomfortableness with facts. At least he remained predictable. Unlike the blonde she spent her time trying not to think about. "I guess so, Reid. You don't think it's a bad decision trying to start a relationship with this job?"

"JJ is with Will. Hotch was with Haley. I see no reason why it would be a bad decision."

Emily snorted. "Other than Hotch was with Haley, as in they are no longer together. And Rossi has had three failed marriages."

Reid grinned at her joke. "Yeah, I guess you might have a point. But no one is saying you have to marry her. You are just going on a date with her."

The brunette smiled at him. She was grateful for his logical approach. "You are absolutely right. Thank you for being so... you."

Spencer shrugged and blushed, not knowing how to take that compliment. "Ignore everyone else. They don't understand how you feel. That's what I try to do. When you guys talk about my social life."

Emily frowned, coming to a harsh realization. "Shit, Reid. You're right. We get too personal about you all the time. I'm so sorry. Now I know how you must feel all the time."

"It's okay. I know it's out of love. It can just get a little..."

"Annoying? Agitating? Frustrating?" Emily finished, feeling ashamed of her previous behavior with the doctor.

"Sort of. But it's okay. It's nice to share the embarrassment. So, do you want to talk about her? It can stay between us."

For the first time, I did. There wasn't any pressure with Reid. He just listened. There was no judging with him.

Emily lowered her voice. "Her name is Remi. And she's... exquisite."

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