Chapter 10

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"Agh, Em. I'm nervous to meet them," Remi admitted as Emily parked the car in the parking lot. "They are so important to you and what if they hate me?"

Emily grinned at her pouting and took her hand. "They aren't going to hate you, Remi. They are going to love you." She kissed her girlfriend's hand.

"Are they going to interrogate me?"

The profiler chuckled. "Yep. But you can take it. You've been able to handle me for this long." When she noticed that she wasn't reassuring the professor, she added, "If you get uncomfortable, just let me know and we can leave."

"Can we come up with a codeword?"

Emily raised an eyebrow. "Okay, dork. What word would you like to be the codeword?"

"I can ask the waiter if they have mac n cheese," Remi suggested.

Emily laughed and ran her hand through her hair. "Alright. Mac n cheese. Got it. Are you ready now?"

Remi nodded and opened the car door. Emily took her hand and they walked to the bar. Upon entering, they were greeted by Garcia, who was already too excited.

"Ah! You're here!" Penelope cheered and wrapped her arm around Prentiss. She then turned to Remi and squealed. "I'm Penelope Garcia! I'm the tech analyst and the most wonderful and beautiful member of the team."

"I'm Remi Ramirez. It's a pleasure to meet you." Remi stuck out her hand for Garcia to shake, but instead of taking her hand, the tech analyst hugged the foreign woman.

"I'm a hugger. But you'll get used to it. I've been waiting to meet you since Emily first mentioned you. Though, it was Derek who told me about you in the first place."

Emily gasped playfully. "I hadn't even gotten to the office yet! It's not my fault that you and Morgan are inseparable to an odd extent."

"Odd extent?" Morgan asked as he came up to the small group. "You just wish you were as close to me as baby girl is."

"You know that's right," Penelope agreed as she winked at him.

"Whatever. Besides, Remi, this is Derek Morgan, the bane of my existence. Derek, this is my girlfriend, Remi Ramirez."

Remi and Derek shook hands and Derek commented, "I'm glad to have finally met someone that she's interested in. I guessed she was gay when she didn't further any of my advances." Emily hit his chest. He groaned. "I'm kidding, of course. Come on. Follow me. Rossi told me to bring you all to us. We have a huge booth."

The small group of people followed the profiler to a table where Rossi, Hotch, and Spencer were sitting. Emily tried to ignore the fact that a certain blonde wasn't there.

Emily began introductions. "Everyone, this is Remi Ramirez. Remi, this is my boss, Aaron Hotchner."

"Please, just call me Hotch," He replied as he shook hands with his colleague's girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you, Hotch," Remi said with a smile.

"I'm David Rossi. Call me David or Dave. Whatever feels right," Rossi told the professor warmly as he shook hands with her.

Remi nodded and then turned to Reid, who looked awkward. Following Emily's advice, she waved at the young doctor. "Hi, Spencer. Emily's told me so much about you. I've been told that you like Russian Lit more than Em. Who knew that was even possible?"

Reid grinned at her, surprised that she could be so much like Emily and himself. "War and Peace takes me less than two hours to read. It's not Emily's fault that I can read so much faster."

"Yes, Reid won't let me forget this fact," Emily murmured as she took a seat next to the nerd. Remi sat down next to her. Morgan and Garcia took seats across from them.

Rossi asked Remi a question but Emily's attention was dragged away when she saw JJ enter the bar. The blonde looked around to find where the team was when she saw Emily and the others in the corner. She smiled and waved at Emily. It wasn't until she got closer when Emily realized that the liaison's eyes were red like she had been crying. Emily wanted to ask her what was wrong, but she knew it wasn't the right time.

She walked up to the table and sat down next to Derek. "Sorry, I'm late everyone. I lost track of time." She turned to Remi. "Hey, I'm Jennifer Jareau. But my friends call me JJ."

Remi shook her hand and put on a good smile. "Hi, JJ. It's so wonderful to finally have met you."

"Same here. So what's going on, guys? What was I interrupting?" JJ quickly asked, turning the attention away from her.

Emily immediately knew something was wrong with her. She just didn't know what it was that made her so upset.

Her focus on JJ was interrupted when she heard Remi say, "Right, Em?"

Emily nodded and tried to focus on her girlfriend and her team, but she couldn't help but continuously glance at the blonde.

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