Chapter 45

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Emily woke up early in the woman's arms. The blonde was still sleeping (and snoring) when she took a deep breath. For the first time since she could remember, she didn't dream about anything that night. She woke up refreshed like there wasn't a weight pressing on her.

She breathed in JJ's scent and she couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated. Last night, she let JJ in. Last night, she let herself be loved. And she couldn't feel better. She knew that it was a long shot with JJ. But she no longer minded loving her. All she knew was that she felt healthier, stronger, and happier in the blonde's arms. Even if all it could ever be was platonic.

The brunette felt the blonde stir and she said, "Hey there, sleepyhead. I'm guessing that it is time to wake up. I'm surprised the team hasn't come to get us."

"Well," JJ muttered before she yawned and opened her eyes. "I think they knew that we needed some alone time. They know that you are going through something. They just want you to be okay."

"I feel okay," Emily admitted before pulling apart from JJ's limbs and getting up. "I didn't have any nightmares and I feel clearer. I mean, I felt better after ending the relationship with Remi, but now... I don't know. I feel more like me."

JJ grinned at her friend and said, "I'm so glad, Em. Nothing makes me happier to know that you are feeling better. But you are right. We should probably head to the police station. Are you ready to go to work?"

"Hell yeah."


"I always felt better after getting divorced," Rossi told Emily on the way back to DC. He laughed when he saw the horror on the rest of the team's faces.

"Thanks for that comforting statement," Emily responded to him sarcastically as she rolled his eyes. She turned to the rest of the team and said, "I promise you guys, I'm doing okay. Better. Just ask JJ."

The profilers all turned to the blonde liaison. She nodded and said, "She's not lying, guys. We talked. She sounds good. She sounds like herself."

"See!" Emily cried out playfully as she received smiles from the team. "In fact, I think I'm going to host a game night. You are all invited. I will have to tell Garcia when we land. I'm thinking Friday?"

"If we don't have a case," Hotch replied, looking happy that his subordinate looked better. "I think that sounds like a great idea."
"Thank you so much, Emily!" Spencer cheered as they got out of the movie theater. "You were right about Untouchables. It was pretty good."

"See! Now you believe me. Next up, we have to watch Counterfeiters," Emily promised him as she held onto his arm as they walked down the cold streets of DC. "It's a foreign film! And I know you love your foreign films!"

"That I do!" Spencer agreed happily. "Will it make me cry?"

"It's a holocaust film, so... yes."

Reid nodded, taking her suggestion into consideration. "When are we going to watch a movie that I pick?"

Emily snorted as if he said something preposterous. "Who do you think you are? An equal member in this friendship?"

"Oh, haha. Just drive me home."

She laughed at his pretend annoyance. "Alrighty, let's go, Reid. I have a glass of wine to go home to."

"Yeah, don't want to be around for that."

The second that Emily walked into her large apartment, her phone rang. The one word that came to her mind was, "Typical."

She answered the phone by saying, "Emily Prentiss."

She heard a crackling sound and the noise of a glass clinking. "You whore."

Emily raised her eyebrows. Not only did she not recall whose voice was on the phone, the comment was a little discerning. "Excuse me? Who are you?"

She heard the man on the phone chuckle. "Who am I? Well, Bitch. I certainly know you. You stole my woman."

"Who the hell-" She stopped talking once she realized that the voice was familiar. "Shit- Will? Why are you calling me?" She put the phone on speaker and took her recording device out to tape his words. If he ever wanted to have a relationship with his son, Emily was going to do what she could to make sure that he wouldn't see Henry or JJ ever again.

"JJ was mine, woman. All mine. I had her wrapped around my f-finger. I'd make sure she would stay. I wanted that piece of ass to stay with me forever. And my p-plan even worked! That ditz got pregnant! And she still chose you!"

Emily was speechless. She could tell the southern man was drunk. But he could still be telling her the truth. "I am an FBI agent, Will. I can end your career with a phone call. I suggest you hang up and never talk to me or JJ ever again."

He laughed and hiccuped. "How the hell could I have known that the beauty queen was a dyke? How the hell was I supposed to know when I propose, she would admit to me that she's in love with you? How was I supposed to know that she wouldn't want to marry the father of her child and be with a woman?"


"How the fuck could she choose you over me? How could she love you?"

Emily hung up the phone and stared at it. Her hands were shaking. She stopped the tape recorder and she fell to her knees. She was horrified and confused. She couldn't handle having so many unanswered questions.

She grabbed her phone and stood up, her legs still wobbly. She walked to her door and picked up her keys. She felt so lost. She needed answers. She needed to be found.

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