Chapter 22

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"I just got a call from Garcia!" Emily announced as she entered JJ's room. "The boys are coming home! And Garcia is coming back..." She saw that JJ's eyes were shut hard. She knew JJ was in pain and was trying to hold it in. Emily grabbed the blonde's hand. "Jen, are you okay?"

Through clenched teeth, JJ replied, "Get the doctor."

Emily ran to find her doctor. The woman followed the profiler into JJ's room and checked on the patient.

"She's ready. JJ, are you ready to have son or daughter?" The doctor asked as she put her gloves on.

JJ nodded quickly, trying to get through the pain.

"I'll go tell the others," Emily murmured as she headed toward the doors.

"Wait!" JJ yelled out. "Please stay! Please stay and hold my hand."

Emily stared at her. And even in this state. This state of extreme pain and agony, Emily noted that JJ was still the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. She walked up to JJ and took her hand.

"I'll stay with you every step of the way," Emily promised her.

And then, Emily's hand was crushed.


"He's beautiful, JJ," Emily whispered as she watched the blonde hold her son. It was a magical scene. He seemed perfect for her arms. The baby boy with so much promise. So much hope. It brought back some hard memories for the profiler. But they were soon replaced by new and happy ones.

"He's perfect," JJ croaked, her voice still hoarse from all the yelling. She turned to look at Emily for the first time since she had given birth to her son. She smiled at her. And Emily finally understood the cliche 'glow' that new mothers are supposed to have. "Do you want to hold him?"

Emily's smile faltered. She looked down. "I'm sure you don't want to let him go..."

"You should hold him, Em. You've been here every step for him. You've gone above and beyond than any friend. You stayed with me through his birth. You should be the second one to hold him." She looked at Emily, trying to understand. When she saw the dark eyes look up into hers, she saw longing. She understood. She passed her son to her friend.

Emily let out a breath of air when he was placed in her arms. He settled in her chest. She held back tears. A baby. This was something she has wanted. Ever since she let her own go.

The blonde watched her son sleep in the brunette's arms. It was a magnificent sight. She was profoundly in awe by the sight.

"He looks like he belongs there. In your arms," JJ admitted in a whisper.

Emily's head snapped up as she looked at the blonde. "What?"

"I have to confide, I see him in your arms and wish more than anything that he was yours. That Will wasn't his father. That you are. That must sound ridiculous." She looked down, in shame.

Emily melted. "It's not ridiculous. It's... I'm honored that you wish that. I wish... I don't know. That things were different."

"What things?" JJ asked her, looking up, hoping for some necessary answers.

"I'm not sure. I just wish things were simple."

"Me too," JJ agreed. "Pen's the godmother. I've known her for years. I'm sorry."

Emily shook her head rapidly, not offended. "Don't be. It's okay."

"It's not, Em. You're just as much as a parent as I am. You... you're like his other mom. Not biologically. But... in love. I wish there was a name for that."

"When I lived in Romania, my mother's friend's son was baptized. The parents of the baby sat back as the godparents did all the work. In other cultures, godparents are like co-parents."

JJ smiled at that information. "You're more than a godparent, Em. You might not legally be a parent, but you are one. To me. And my son. What was the godmother called?"

"Naşa," Emily told her, looking down at the baby.

"Naşa," JJ replied with a grin. "That has a ring to it. "Hey, baby. Meet your naşa. She loves you very much."

Tears entered Emily's eyes, and she didn't hold them back. "Jen, that means everything to me."

"I know it's not legal. And it'll be hard to explain to people. And I know you can't live with me or be there all the time. But you're family. But you're more than an aunt. I wish there was something legal I could do..."

"It's fine," Emily told her. "This is enough. We know what it means. We know what naşa means."

JJ nodded and touched her son's cheek. "You hear that, Henry? We're a family."

Emily looked up and gaped at the blonde. "Henry? You chose the name Henry? That's beautiful."

"It's after my dad. I know how happy he would be if he was alive right now. He was a good man. My son's full name is Henry Elijah Jareau."

The brunette froze after hearing the name. Emily had tears running down her cheeks. She let out a sob. His middle name. "Jen... how'd you know?"

"When you were drunk, you told me about him. You told me how he loved you more than anything. And that all you wanted was to be his little girl again. I knew at that moment, I wanted to name my son after him. So I asked Garcia to look his name up. Don't worry, we didn't look into anything but his name."

Emily was speechless. "JJ, you named your son partly after my father?"

"Now Henry is tied to both of us. To two men who loved us. I hope that's okay..."

"Okay?" Emily laughed, still in incredible shock. "Jen, it's extraordinary."

And there she was, in perfect contentment. She felt loved and like she had a purpose. She felt unbelievable joy. She felt full. But in the back of her mind, she thought of Remi. She knew one day she could have it with her, maybe. But it was already here and with JJ. 'It,' being a family. She had a family with JJ.

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