Chapter 26

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"A trip to your father's lake house?" Derek asked Emily on the way to DC from a long case.

The brunette nodded. "Yep. And I would really appreciate it if you could see if it was worth fixing it up or selling it and such. If it's not too much to ask."

Derek smirked at her. "Too much? Princess, this is all I do in my free time. You know, other than some other things..."

Emily rolled her eyes and then replied, "Other that TMI comment, thank you. Anybody else up for a trip? I can't promise it'll be any fun, but I thought we could bring some games and at least have alcohol."

"And this house..." Rossi started to say before he was interrupted by Emily who knew what he was going to ask.

"Is a mansion, Rossi. Don't worry, everyone will have their own separate rooms."

Rossi gave her a thumbs up and Emily turned to the rest of the team.

"Is Remi going to be there?" Spencer asked with hope in his voice. He had become quite good friends with the professor and always enjoyed her company and her never-ending knowledge of Battlestar Galactica.

Emily smiled at him, glad that he wanted to hang out with her girlfriend. "Yes, she will be there. Maia will be joining us as well. She's out of her crying through the night stage, but Henry probably won't be. Since he and JJ are coming, too. Oh, and I already asked Garcia. She already told me she will handle the games." The team groaned at her statement about the games and Emily added, "I know. I tried to tell her that they were handled, but she told me that she was going to bring them either way. So we will have to deal with Adult Clue again."

"Maybe I shouldn't come," Hotch muttered. "Last time we played, I had to catch the UnSub who had a murder weapon of a-"

"Blah! Don't remind me!" Emily yelled out. "But maybe she will be so invested in either the babies or my relationship with Remi so she'll forget all about it."

Jordan cleared her throat, talking for the first time. "Is everyone invited?"

"Of course!" Emily told her cheerfully. "It would be awesome if you could come, Jordan. We can get to know you better. Ooh, and you can meet Remi. I bet you'd really hit it off."

JJ's current replacement grinned at the profiler. "Thanks. I'd be happy to come. Besides, I've been meaning to ask JJ how she got through this job."

"You're doing great, Jordan," Emily comforted her. "You'll get used to it. It gets easier."
"Did you tell your mother that you were going to the lake house?" Remi asked her girlfriend as they pulled out of the parking garage, on the way to the lake.

"Nope," Emily answered simply. "She would never approve of me taking a vacation, god forbid anyone has fun!"

Remi snorted, chuckling lightly. "I'm glad I get to meet Jordan for the first time. She sounds awesome. From what you said about when you had to go undercover to get information out of that creepy guy, she sounds rad."

"Ugh, don't remind me of the Viper. I still have nightmares of that creep. But yeah, she was a real asset with that."

"Tell me again how you are able to easily convince a guy who specializes in picking up chicks that you are straight?" Remi asked her curiously.

Emily shrugged. "Easy. Just stand there. Guys tend to think that all the girls love them. It just reminded me how lucky I am that I am not attracted to those bozos. And that I have you."

"That isn't saying much," Remi told her. "I think a piece of cardboard would be a better catch than a guy like that. Or any guy for that matter."

The profiler laughed. "Yeah, maybe you're right. All the guys I dated were assholes."

"Guys that you dated?" Remi questioned slowly. "What guys? When?"

Emily inwardly groaned. She slipped up. She kept her guard down and she got slammed. "I dated guys when I was young. I would sleep with practically anyone who would piss off my mom. And that wasn't difficult."

"Wow," Remi stated, her eyebrows raised. "I didn't know you were like that."

Emily frowned. She knew she said too much. "Like what? A slut? It's not like I'm proud of my past."

"No, Em. Not a slut. I didn't mean it like that. That was rude of me. You were a sexually active teen. That's cool." Remi started tapping her foot, a sign that she was becoming anxious.

"Relax, Rem. I'm not offended. It was who I was. I'm very different than the ignorant teen that I was."

Remi felt like she had to open up as well, knowing that it was never easy for Emily to admit something about herself. "I didn't lose my virginity until I was twenty-one. I waited until I loved somebody. Call me a prude-"

"I wouldn't call you that," Emily said strongly. "What you did was smart. You did what you felt comfortable with. And I'm jealous of that. I wish I waited until I was ready."

"No one else saw it that way. In my freshman year of college, I told my roommate. She got drunk and told everyone. The rest of the year, the people in my dorm called me 'Adult Virgin.' It was a bad year. And, I still had my braces."

"That sucks," Emily told her. "They sound like assholes. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

"Yeah, well, now I get to teach arseholes like them and I have the ability to fail 'em," Remi joked lightly. "Besides, I'm dating a hot girl. My life is complete. What was your freshman year like at Yale? It must've been something."

Emily didn't want to tell her the truth. She didn't want to tell her that she spent her late teen years alone. "It was normal, I guess. Frat parties, studying, and prestigious know-it-alls."

Remi knew her girlfriend well enough that she knew when Emily closed up. She sighed and accepted defeat.

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