Chapter 6

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Emily saw Remi come inside the building and she waved at her. Once Remi saw her date, she grinned and approached her. They didn't know exactly how to greet each other, so they hugged a little awkwardly.

"I know this is a little cheesy as a first date," Remi mentioned as the looked at all the families and teens around them. "But I thought you might need a little bit of a stress relief after a case. And the only somewhat physical sport I can play is golf. So I thought mini-golf! Then we can catch some grub."

"Sounds good," Emily told her simply. She was looking forward to getting back to DC for this date. Even though she was extremely tired and ready to crash once it was over. "I bought everything. Here is your club and pick your ball. I picked red and blue. Thought I couldn't go wrong."

Remi grinned and picked the blue golf ball. "Blue's my second favorite color."

"After what?" Emily asked curiously.

"The simple answer would be black. But, to be complicated and mysterious, I have to say dark grey. So dark it's on the verge of black. But it isn't."

Emily bit her bottom lip, trying to keep herself from laughing.

"Wow, I can't believe I just dweebed out at you right there," Remi groaned and her face became crimson.

"No, no. It's fine. Besides, you're going to be the one making fun of me when I tell you I don't know how to play mini golf since I have never played before."

Remi gaped at her. "Bloody hell! How have you gone through life without playing? I thought it was just one of those things that everyone does whether they like to or not."

Emily shrugged as they started to walk towards the entrance where the mini golfing took place. "My family was never the 'mini golfing' type. And I didn't have friends to go with as a kid. I could count the number of close friends as a kid to teen on one hand."

Remi nodded, and it wasn't a pity nod. It was an understanding nod. She lined her putter and hit the ball. It bounced up and hit a bar. She wasn't even embarrassed that she was awful. "Yeah, I went once when I was fifteen. I had never been asked out before... I definitely wasn't popular. Anyway, this bloke, Richie Atkins, asked me out to mini golf. We played the whole 18 holes before his friends showed up... including his ex. Apparently, he just wanted to use me to get back with his girlfriend. It worked."

"Ugh, men," Emily grunted, hitting her ball. She hit it so hard that it flicked up and hit a person in front of them. "Sorry!" She yelled out when the angry man turned to see her. When he turned back to his date, Emily and Remi let out their laughter.

"We are bloody awful at this, aren't we?" Remi asked. At Emily's enthusiastic nod, she added, "Want to skip the game and go to ice cream? I'm starving anyway."

Emily was grateful for the change in activity. They quickly walked back into the building and ordered ice cream. When they sat down, they both felt better.

"So how was the case? Was it a short case? Or was it just an easy solve?" Remi asked as she started eating her ice cream.

"My boss was on another trip to aid another case, but a colleague of mine, JJ, she was really adamant about this stalking case. We usually don't do cases without a serial crime, but we were able to catch the perpetrator." Emily looked at her ice cream when she said the blonde's name.

"Do you normally get to choose your own cases like that?"

"Not really. We usually have to get invited by the police. And then JJ, the liaison, she picks the cases from there. She has the hard job."

Remi frowned and replied, "Tough gig. So tell me about the rest of your team. How's the boss?"

"Ah," Emily said before informing her, "Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, AKA Hotch. He has a hard shell. Rough on UnSubs. He was a little harsh when I first joined, but he's a good man and leader. He has a good sense of justice. He might seem unemotional, but a good father to his son."

Remi nodded, listening carefully. "Sounds like a real conundrum. Who else?"

"Senior Supervisory Special Agent David Rossi. He's like the Italian Uncle I never had. He's a helluva good agent and person. He's lawful but compassionate. And he's an amazing cook."

"Ooh. Can't wait to meet him. I love Italians!"

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