7. Scarface

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They were walking around me like they were my bodyguards, I didn't like being this sheltered, I wanted to see the mall, I wanted to see the different shops and restaurants that the beautiful aromas were coming from. They led me to many expensive shops, some brands with names that I have never heard of before, and many that I had but just couldn't buy from like Gucci or Chanel. I got sick of all this designer shopping, not because I was getting tired, but because every time I so much glanced at an item they would pick it up and put it in the basket, only for me to fish it out later on and put it back where it belonged. I wondered if they had any cheaper shops around here.

'Is there anything like a pound land here?' I asked hoping to leave the places that were too full of rich perfumes.

'A what? You mean the dollar tree?' Lorenzo asked slightly confused.

'I mean sure if that's what you call it here. Just something you know, maybe a bit cheaper.' I timidly said.

'We can't be seen in places like that, we have a reputation to withstand.' Dante said to me for the first time.

'We are almost done, why don't you and Dante go to the food court, Me and Lorenzo will finish up here.' Romeo said whilst taking a black credit card out of his wallet.

When Dante and I arrived to the food court, I was quite surprised at the size, I expected it to be 4 or 5 restaurants, but this place was a hive of activity. Dante walked into the seating area and sat down in a booth, right in the corner away from the madness. 

'Do you want to eat now, or should we wait?' He asked me half focused on his phone.

'I'm not hungry.' I replied telling the truth.

'But you will eat.' He said with an eyebrow raised.

'I just said I'm not hungry.' 

'You are going to eat, we have been shopping for over 3 hours.' Dante responded leaving no room for an argument.

'Ok, we will wait then.' I said and he just nodded in understanding.

About five minutes later, the others came to where we were and sat down in the booth, Romeo sitting next to me, Lorenzo sitting next to his twin.

'What do you guys want to eat?' Lorenzo asked.

'Just get us our usual and get Alessa the same thing as all of us, she will like it.' Romeo said as Lorenzo and Dante got up to buy the food.

'We always get a spicy chicken deluxe from Chick-fil-a, have you had it before?' Romeo asked whilst fishing his phone from his pocket.

'You must have forgotten where I used to live, we don't have half of the restaurants that are here, also I have never tried meat before. So no, I haven't had it before.' I replied.

'You have never had meat, are you a vegetarian?' He asked shocked.

'I'm not a vegetarian, I have never had the chance to try meat.' 

'Mum didn't buy meat?' He said trying to figure it out.

'Something like that.' My voice lowering at the mention of mum.

A few moments later the boys came back with two large trays full of food, my eyes went wide as I remembered that only half of what was on this table was what I was able to feed everyone back home. People here eat like pigs. I saw a wrapped burger placed in front of me along with a drink and some fries. I looked up to see the boys already demolishing their food, When they noticed that I hadn't touched mine they looked at me expectedly.

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