39. The Night Before

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This Christmas Eve I feel so very blessed.

The perfect chaos, just like I had expected. Rico was upset that he had to open the last day of his chocolate advent calendar, constantly asking an irritated Dante why he couldn't have one all year round. Lorenzo, Gio and Romeo were snacking on freshly baked pastries that Pablo and his colleagues had just made. I could smell the warmth that radiated off the baking pan. The eldest bunch were no where to be seen, throughout breakfast and lunch, none of the five showed their faces; just like I had been previously informed.

Xavier was convincing me to build one of the trees, the main one that would be set in the living room. I explained, many a time, that I had no experience whatsoever. 

My efforts would be put to shame by the professional decorators who came to embellish the exterior and foyer. I heard that the entryway would hold a 10ft tree, placed in between both staircases, a ladder needed to put the star on top.

Even the exterior of the house looked incredible.

Somebody had already hung the stockings along a long piece of firewood, directly above the huge fireplace. No initials, instead full names were embroided onto the abnormally large red socks. Mine in between Gio's and Rico's. They were modest, and classic, not bedazzled in diamonds or stitched with satin; simply perfect.

Brilliant white lights draped down in an orderly manner from the tops of the ceiling, the simple LED's doing God's work. I sat down on the floor with Xavier as we began to unbox the big tree, reading the instructions that didn't help in the slightest.

I turned on the TV and shuffled a playlist of East Coast Hip-hop. Xavier sat back, looking flustered once he had separated one tree section. I rolled my eyes and groaned as I took it upon myself to complete the unfinished job; it wasn't difficult, he was just lazy. For someone so athletically fit, he sure gets tired from doing the simplest of things.

There were several tree sections which needed to be separated and pulled apart. Although Xavier seemed to be in a festive spirit, he whined more times than the average 3-year-old; he wasn't even doing anything remotely helpful. It was clear to me now that he had only dragged me in here to not help him with the tree, but to do it myself whilst he sat in my company.

Chiara merrily came in with snacks every so often, incessantly asking us if we needed anything new, expecting something to have changed from when she asked five minutes previously. This was her last day working for a whole month, since all of the residents would be in Italy for a while. Armani told me about the entire plan once he apprehended that Dante had spoiled the surprise, it wasn't a big deal, I was excited either way. I finally got to see Italy!

Izzy visited often, but she was only gone for a few days at a time. Portofino, that's were she was from, the flamboyant village was always so beautiful, she showed me many photos of the picturesque harbour and artistic culture. 

My whole life, I've wanted to visit my place of origin, where all my ancestors were from. Now I finally had the chance too.

The poor house maid came in once again, asking us if we were positively sure that we didn't require anything. It wasn't a very busy day in the Rossi ménage today, it was all of the workers final day today, and they all didn't know what to do with themselves. 

Pablo obviously kept himself busy in the kitchen, finding something new to make, something that the boys would demolish in a matter of seconds, not relishing his efforts.

'Make yourself useful, untangle these lights.' I pointed to the scraggly heap of switched off decorative lights in the corner, next to all of the other ornaments.

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