18. Tangible Fear

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It was only when I set foot into the lower portion of the house, a part I had never known about, when I felt like truly screaming. 

It wasn't my initial plan to wander. I excused myself from watching the sunrise to get some water, but before I could even grab a glass, a narrow door caught my eye. It was located on the far side of the kitchen, a blind spot for most people, but it seemed to stand out more than ever. I had never noticed it before, but as I got closer, I realised that it was only because the door was left open a crack and a soft, warm toned light filled up the gaps, outlining the rectangular shape. I had completely forgotten about the water that my drying throat craved not too long ago, my thoughts were beside that now. 

I was intrigued with the discovery I had just made.

My curiosity only swelled when I pushed back the door and was met with a tapered descending staircase. Each individual step was dwarfed and I struggled to stay balanced when my foot was met with the first step. The way down was looming and it took everything in me to not go back up, I hesitantly grabbed the aged railing and shook it slightly to make sure that it was secure. My hands were blistering due to my iron grip on the shedding metal pole as I dragged my hand along with the rest of my body, I could feel my skin ripping as the metal shards tore through my weakened flesh. But I didn't let go.

The stairwell finally came to an end. The dark concrete floor was ugly and ill favoured reminding me slightly of the floor of my house in London. I heard nothing as my hand left the pole and I stood on the flat ground. It was as cold as the outside down here, clearly no heating installed. 

I looked to my right to see nothing interesting, only a small empty room which held two metal chairs lying on their sides. My eyes wandered to the left to see a dull walkway which led onto something, probably a room, that was dimly lit. It didn't look pleasing and the smell wasn't any better, a horrid stench of aluminium and dried blood lingered in the air. I wanted to call out to see if anyone was there, but decided against it when I remembered that I should not be down here.

I kept my footsteps quiet as I carefully walked down the left path. I pinched the tip of my nose to block out any smells that wanted to creep up into my system and blinked quickly to bat away any of the dust that got into my eyes.

For such a glamorous property, I never would have imagined a place like this located inside.

I took a right which led me directly into a room, I very briefly saw several dark silhouettes standing in there which cause me to I rush out and press my back against the uneven brick wall. I wasn't sure if anyone had seen me, but when no one came out to check I let out a silent sigh. I very cautiously craned my head around the corner of the door-less room again, my breathing pace quickened once I properly saw what was happening here.

My brothers, minus Rico, Gio and the twins, were stood there looking utterly relaxed and undisturbed whilst two helpless men lay on the floor. I heard the desperation in their voices as they plead for mercy. One of the men was on his knees, the other one was gradually getting onto his feet. I saw Rocco step forward wearing a black t shirt and black sweats, he sent one hard punch to the poor man who was now back on the floor cupping his face in agony. The room was big and empty, causing an echo to sound through the walls every time a cry of pain was let out.

I watched with wide eyes as I saw Vince crouch down next to the two bodies and roughly grab one of their chins. He wasn't being delicate in the way that he handled me a few days ago which severely worried me.

'Why did you feel the need to steal from us?' He spoke in a hushed, deadly voice. My heart was throbbing in my ears, loud and irregular, but I could barely hear it because my mind was clouded with intense fear and terror. When the man didn't answer, Vincent let go of his chin, he was clearly reliant on Vince's hold as his head smacked the hard concrete.

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