23. Two Triggers

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I had a PE class for the last 2 lessons of my second day, it turns out that our class was mixed. But they were separated, not by gender, but by skill. I was automatically put into the higher group, due to my brothers prowess. I would have ended up in the higher class regardless, it is just a shame that the decision had to be determined by the expertise of my relatives.

The teacher was a weird middle age man, he persistently stood by the girls line, not paying much attention to the ill-disciplined boys who were clearly more of a problem. 

He handed me the sports uniform which I didn't look at until I got into the changing rooms. I instantly remembered about my bruises, and almost began to panic, that was until the private cubicles caught my eye. I told Izzy where I was going and made my way to the back.

I was horrified when I saw that I was given tiny shorts and a t-shirt, not only would it show my scars off, but it was also the middle of winter. Not to mention the fact that I would be exposing myself. 

I walked straight out of the room, showing Izzy what he gave me. She looked in hotter and compared her new kit to mine, she received leggings, a t-shirt and a hoodie. He deliberately did this to me! She told me to go out and request a new one, so that's exactly what I did.

'Why?' Was all this stupid man said when I asked him for leggings and a hoodie.

'It's the middle of winter.' I stated obviously.

'We don't have any more kit.' He claimed, there was a bracket behind him with spare jumpers and leggings, directly in my view. 

'Are you that dense?' I sneered at him, pointing my hand to the shelf. 'What about them?'

'Just get changed before I tell the principle that you are being disruptive.' He threatened, the ghost of a smirk appearing on his face.

'I am simply asking for a more appropriate sports kit.' I shrugged, leaning against the wall ready to keep this ignorant conversation going for as long as it needed to.

'And I am denying your request.' He mocked, reaching out to push me back towards the changing room. Before he could lay a finger on me, the doors opposite slammed open, the loud noise halting his movements.

'You're threatening my sister.' Xavier voiced walking towards us, standing at least half a foot taller than this man. He was wearing a black t-shirt and dark sweatpants; a hockey stick in his hands along with a hoodie that hung over his arm.

'Mr Rossi, I don't know what you are talking about.' He staggered upon seeing my brother, I found it slightly peculiar at the fact that a teacher felt the need to talk to him formally. Addressing him by his last name.

'Is that so?' He made a 'do you take me as a fool' face.

'I would never disrespect your family.' Xavier pointed his hand to me as the teacher said this, he looked at me weirdly before it finally clicked.

'Oh I'm sorry Miss Rossi, what was it that you requested?' I found it weird how he was all of a sudden treating me differently solely because of my last name. 

'Just some longer clothes.' I unsurely said. My brother took the clothes from my hands and examined the shorts with a repulsive look.

'You gave these to my sister? In the middle of fucking winter?' He seemed to find it so easy to curse in front of a teacher, unafraid of any consequences. I doubt that he would receive a punishment. He oppressively threw the shorts at the teacher who scrambled to pick them up. 'Get her some leggings.' He ordered, leaning his hockey stick against the side wall. He unfolded his hoodie and handed it to me, when I didn't take it, he shoved it into my hands.

Elegance with ExpenseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora