6. Für Elise

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I stared at the beautiful, matte black clock on the wall above the door. I saw that the time here was 5am, I was not tired at all as it would have been 10am in London and I never wake up this late. I decided to get up and try to make use of the extra time I had here, I made the bed, went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. 

I decided to have a shower as it looked very welcoming, since I had been travelling all day yesterday. I stripped from my pyjamas and stepped in, trying to figure out what all the knobs and handles did, I was twisting and turning everything before I managed to find the correct one. Warm water came out of the massive rain shower head and fell onto my cold body, I relaxed as soon as it hit me, causing the blood to rush around in my body. 

It had been years since I had a warm shower, I cannot remember the last time that I did. I looked to my side to see a variety of shampoos, conditioners, body washes and some other products I didn't know the use for. 

I decided to to stick to the stuff I knew and washed my hair with the sweet smelling products and cleaned my body with the loofah, scrubbing at my raw skin, I then rinsed everything away and turned off the shower. I grabbed a loose hanging towel I assumed was for me, dried myself and wrapped it around my body securely. I stepped out, expecting to be hit with cold air, but when the temperature didn't change and the air stayed warm, I was pleasantly surprised. 

When I walked into my room, that is when the temperature changed, It wasn't cold in here, it was just cooler. I quickly got my backpack and found some suitable clothes to wear, I changed into a black top and some grey sweatpants before I went back to the bathroom and applied some light makeup. 

I towel dried my hair, then brushed the damp mess, once I got it how I liked it, I searched the drawers in need of a hairdryer. In the corner of the room, I found one that looked quite expensive and plugged it in. The bathroom and room were both so big that I was pretty sure that no one even heard me this morning.

After I had finished drying and brushing my hair, I sat on my bed to see that my phone had not yet been connected to the network, I took out the phone that my eldest brother had sent to me a couple of days ago and checked the network that it was connected too, I managed to sync the phones together to connect mine and my laptop. 

After I did, I disconnected the phone from each other and decided to check my messages and other notifications. It turns out that I had forgotten to message everyone else where I was going. 

Once I replied back to my friends from London, I went to see if I had any messages on our group chat, it turns out that they were very worried about me since I hadn't replied back to them and it was already 11am there. It was when I read further down when they realised about the time difference, I chuckled to myself at their stupidity and wrote a response to all of them saying that I was fine and I had made it to New York safely.

I put my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants and looked at the clock to see that it was now 6:30am, someone must be awake. I walked out of the door, almost bumping into someone who was walking past, a women dressed in a workers outfit, looking in her mid- sixties. She looked at me wide eyed before quickly apologising and asking if I was ok. As I assured her, she relaxed and her expression turned from worried to relived, this was before she introduced herself to me.

'I'm Chiara, I am your brothers head maid, it's so great to finally meet you honey. I have worked here since your brothers were babies, and am quite close to your family. You know, when you were bought back from the hospital, I was one of the first non family members to hold you, after your mothers best friend of course.' She said referring to Elenora. 'My my look how gorgeous you are, your hair, your cheekbones, you have the same eyes as everyone else. You truly are a Rossi.' She chuckled grabbing my hand in hers. I saw her eyes begin to get watery as she hugged me close to her. 

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