17. Left to Linger

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I cursed quietly as I tried my best not to drop her on the floor, Instead the boys grabbed a hold of her and helped me to slowly set her on the floor. Her mother ran through the crowd and thanked us before some paramedics rushed over. They told us that we could leave now, and she would be fine. Gabriel assured me once more that she would be ok and took me away. We arrived at the other side of the ride fence and stopped. 

'Well that was unexpected.' I spoke up.

'I'm just glad you knew how to calm her down, she would have been screaming the whole way up otherwise.' Gio commented. 'Did you like the ride?'

'It was better than I expected.' I honestly said.

'We can go on one more ride, then we will explore some more.' Gabriel stated. 'Let Alessa choose which one.' Why is it always me who has to decide, I don't even know this place. I looked around the fair and saw a giant wheel which had domes going around. I pointed to that one, the guys didn't seem to mind and started to walk over. The queue for this one was non existence so we managed to get on very quickly, all four of us shared a dome which was enclosed apart for the windows all around. 

'Do you want to take a photo?' Julian asked as he got out his phone. We all huddled together and he pressed the button, quickly gazing at it and sliding the phone back into his pocket. After the ride, we went back to the area where it had the game stalls because Julian was set on trying again.

'Ok, I will win something this time.' He spoke confidently. We all nodded clearly unconvinced.

'Go to the hook a duck, there's a guaranteed prize every time.' Gabriel mocked the slogan plastered on the side.

'No, I'm going to go to the basketball one, I'm going to win Gabriel a giant polar bear.' He spoke enthusiastically still holding the dinosaur in his arms. This time, we all decided to take a go since it was only a dollar for 3 shots, you needed to get at least two in to win the polar bear. Gio went first and only got in one, the others failed to get in the needed amount, now it was my turn and it didn't look too difficult. I got the first one in, missed the second one and got the third one in. I heard a loud bell ringing which signalled that I got the prize, the person behind the stall handed me the snowy white bear which was far too big. I handed it to Gabriel who looked more than happy to take it.

'How are you so good at this?' Gio asked as he watched the video he took of me winning the game and receiving the bear.

'It's just like normal basketball.' I reminded them as we walked to another stall. This time, it was an American football game, It required you to throw the ball into the hole two times. I would be no good at this game, so I left it to the boys. I stood to the side with the dinosaur and bear next to me, filming on Gio's phone. They all managed to win a prize and I was called over by Gio to pick one from the large variety. I saw Gio pick a large tiger, but the purple monkey caught my eyes. Gabriel was to chose the last prize, since they won a third time, but instead, he asked a young boy who had lost the game to pick one instead. The young boy picked a dragon, which was given to Gabriel then handed onto the young boy. The mother seemed overjoyed at Gabe's kind gesture and gave him a small, awkward hug. The kid thanked us and ran away laughing.

Now we all had prizes in our hands, all of them won by each other. Julian was holding his dinosaur, Gabriel was practically cuddling his polar bear and me and Gio had our tiger and monkey.

'Let's get a bite to eat.' Gabriel suggested as he lead the way to, what I assumed was the food court. Food stands and temporary restaurants flooded the area, many different aromas smoked the air around us, bringing slight warmth to the chilliness on my face. We sat down on a round picnic bench in the middle of all the other benches.

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