19. Black Glass

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I was paralyzed to the spot, the menacing aura held me in a tightening grip. I steadied my breathing and tried to calm my panic, not drawing any attention to myself.

'We need to leave. Now.' I spoke in a whisper.

'Why? What's wrong?' Rocco asked about to turn around. I kicked his leg to stop him, he pressed his lips together and held his eyes shut for a few seconds. 'Was there really a need for that?'

'Do you both speak French?' I asked. They looked at me as if I had lost my mind but nodded regardless.

'Il y a un homme assis à deux tables derrière nous.' I spoke quietly, the guys looked surprised when I began to speak fluently in French, but that was not their main focus. (There is a man sitting at two tables behind us)

'Il a une arme pointée sur nous.' I finished. (He has a gun pointed to us)

After I said this, I saw Rocco's jaw clench and Romeo reach down into his back pocket. 

'Ne faites pas de mouvements brusques, il nous observe comme un faucon.' I warned them as Romeo slid his hand away from his pocket, however I felt as If he had already removed something from there. (Do not make any sudden movements, he is watching us like a hawk)

'There's a door at the back, we can go out that way, this stronzo won't shoot in such a public place.' Romeo claimed. (Asshole)

'But we need a distraction.' He claimed as he took a calmed sip from his mug. I thought of a way that I could direct the man's attention away from my brothers whilst they escape, It would also work out so that I could escape too. It was risky, but if Romeo's theory about him not shooting in a public space was true, I could have a real chance at pulling this off. There was no one else in the café apart for us, the man and the barista. The guys at the other table had already left.

I didn't ask my brothers because I knew that they would disregard the idea immediately, so I took matters into my own hands and slid to the edge of the seat unnoticeably. I quickly got up and walked past all the tables to get to the front bar. I turned around as if I was casually observing the café and noticed how the man's attention was completely on me. I turned my head slightly to see my brothers staring at me wide eyed, I made a gesture for them to leave through the fire exit. They got up from their seats, but did not open the door and clear off. Instead, they crouched beside the door, I saw Romeo cocking a gun just in case. I turned to look at the barista who had no idea of the current situation.

'I need you to duck behind the counter in five seconds.' I told her quietly, her fatigued face turned into a staggered one. I moved my eyes in the direction of the man who was sitting behind us, I'm sure she now had a clear view of the gun in his hand. She nodded dumbfounded and I put my hands on the countertop. I moved my fingers down from five so she could have time to get down. I'm sure my brothers saw this from the side as they got ready to make a move. When I was down to my last finger, the Women jumped down right away and I quickly turned around to find the man. The gun was now shamelessly aimed to the spot in-between my eyes, he was nearing closer to me by the second. I saw Rocco jolt up from the corner of my eye, but I moved my hand telling him to stay down. 

I knew that my brothers really wanted to intervene right now, but they had common sense and knew that if they suddenly emerged, all of our lives would be put in danger.

The man had now walked so close, that the barrel of his gun was now centimetres away from making contact with my forehead. I took two faltered steps back, but my back hit the counter edge and I had to grip the granite. 

'Did your beloved brothers abandon you?' The man started, the mention of abandonment didn't hurt me how he expected it to. 'Just how your Father did.' He mocked with an hideous smile on his face. His yellowish teeth and foul breath was enough for me to want to kick him. So that's what I did, I didn't waste time in grabbing his shoulders and forcing my knee into his crotch. The gun fell from his hands as he cried out in pain, Rocco rushed over to me and handed me to Romeo who took me out of the front door. 

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