33. Feeling Beautiful

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'Let's go to Chanel, we can find some bags there.' Maria took my hand and pulled me away from Juliet, who I was once talking to, and in the direction of the designer outlet. The shopping mall that we were in, was littered with fashionable and upscale shops.

It was now Friday afternoon. I had just finished school for the semester, I walked through the front door and in an instant only to hear that both Maria and Juliet eagerly accepted the offer to take me shopping, courtesy of Michele's words.

So here I was, standing in the middle of the chic boutique.

I was leaning against the racks of overpriced clothing, watching as Juliet shamelessly flicked through the cashmere jackets, and Maria scanned over the handbags which all displayed the classic 'Chanel' insignia.

Altogether, both of them had already spent the average yearly wage of a doctor in this mall. It baffles me how people can spend so much money on dresses that they would only wear once, or shoes that would only be put on display.

Although I was standing away from the girls, I was still not alone. A middle-aged security guard was stood beside me. He had a bald head; the frame of a bodybuilder and he was wearing a suit which his muscles were begging to come out of.

'I'm guessing you don't want to be here.' I tried to make a conversation; I saw him about to protest so I held up my hand. 'It's alright, neither do I.'

'It's my job, Miss Rossi.' He answered.

'I don't like shopping, but I was dragged.' I laughed, folding my arms over my chest as I stared forward, watching Maria as she walked strutted quickly around the shelves, the female employee tiresomely following behind her with a pile of clothes in her arms.

She was wearing 6-inch heels, yet she could still walk around as if she were a model on a catwalk.

'My daughter doesn't enjoy shopping, but her mother insists.' He chuckled.

'How old is your daughter?' I asked, feeling that I was getting somewhere with this man.

'She's twelve, her name is Camilla.' He stated.

'That's my middle name.' I beamed.

'It is a lovely name; my wife has always wanted to call our daughter that.' He nodded. 'I had the pleasure of naming our son: Jamie.'

'Both beautiful names.'

'Thank you, Miss Rossi.' He bowed down slightly.

'Please, call me Alessa.' I encouraged but he only shook his head.

'I have strict orders to follow, I will call you Miss Rossi.' I concurred, even though I felt that the formalities were too, well, formal. 'I think Miss Cortello is calling you over.' He subtly pointed to Juliet who was indeed beckoning for me to go to her and the woman who was assisting her.

'Honey, this would look gorgeous on you.' She held up a light blue blouse with flattened lapels against my body.

'Is this your sister Miss Cortello?' The other woman spoke up.

'She is actually Vincent's younger sister. But she is realistically my sister too.' Juliet handed the woman the shirt after examining it on me.

'Mr Rossi's sister?' She gulped.

'Don't worry, I'm harmless.' I jokingly assured. 'I don't want to buy anything.' I turned to Juliet who had turned back to the spinning rack.

'This is all my money; I'm buying you everything.' She spoke. 'Ring all of this up, and put in onto my tab.' She ordered the woman who nodded and rushed into the back of the shop.

Elegance with ExpenseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora