20. Immune to Paranoia

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TW- Mentions and details of abuse and assault.

Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind me. I sit up, drag my feet off the bed, and rub my knuckles onto my eyes. I stretch my arms above my head and yawn, watching my legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet. 

I had one of the best sleeps I have had for a long time. Mainly, due to the fact that I had not slept for two days straight, but today just feels refreshing. I looked up to the ceiling to see the large chandelier. The chandelier from a time of opulence and emotional indifference, is now the same one that hung over my place of rest. Similar significances, I have a similar story to a light fixture. It just happens to be the way I think of it, my mind fills up with stories that seem like nonsense to the regular person, but they make sense when I adapt.

I had slept into the late afternoon, it was almost four.

When I arrived into the kitchen, it was busier than I expected. There were maids and butlers swarming around the house, down the halls and into the different rooms. I raised my eyebrows as a man rushed past me, knocking into my arm in the process. He quickly apologized but scurried along after that. None of my brothers were present in the kitchen, but many other strangers were.

'You must be the new worker.' A young woman with a neat haircut approached me. She tightly held a clipboard in her hands and tapped the pen against it.

'Sorry, no. I think you have the wrong person.' I quickly excused myself.

'That trick isn't going to work on me honey. Stop dilly dallying and get the caterers on the phone, ASAP.' She barked orders to me as she wrote something down on her list.

'I don't work here. Also, what are you planning.' She looked to me weirdly as this came out of my mouth.

'The New Years ball' She stated, bringing her headset closer to her mouth, holding up a finger to me. 'I need to go. Get those caterers on the phone.' She pointed to me as she walked away, completely disregarding what I just told her. I sighed and walked to one of the other workers and tapped them on the shoulder. He turned to look at me, and I realised that it was Andre.

'Oh, hi Alessa.' He spun fully around, forgetting about what he was just doing.

'What the hell is happening?' I asked leaning against the counter.

'Preparations for the New Years ball.' He repeated what the woman had told me.

'It's November.' I reminded him.

'Its a huge event.' He shrugged setting some papers to the side.

'Why are you working here?' 

'I shouldn't be, but that crazy lady dragged me to this area.' He pointed to the woman who had mistaken me for a worker earlier on. 'I'm scared of her.' He sarcastically remarked.

'I don't know what I'm doing here to be honest. I just woke up.' I laughed.

'I saw Giovanni go to the gardens.' He told me. 'I can come with you, since I'm not doing anything.' I nodded and he walked me out of the room. We made it to the large green space to see Gio doing crunches on the grass, he was listening to some music on his speakers. We approached him and sat on the green belt until he noticed us and stopped exercising. 

'What are you guys doing here?' He lowered the volume of his music and sat up, resting his elbows on his knees.

'It's quite busy in the house.' I explained obviously.

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