63. Desensitised

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I sat on the sink ledge, watching as Juliet untangled a black hairdryer wire. I had thoroughly brushed my damp hair, courtesy of Juliets unspoken demands, and was now waiting to be able to dry myself. 

I had changed into long pyjamas, my hair was the only thing keeping me cold.

Although Juliet scared me, she made it so obvious that she cared for me, in every way she could. Prioritising my health before having a talk with me, and assisting me in doing things that I didn't need help with, such as untangling the wire.

'Do you want to do it, or shall I?' She spoke, holding up the plugged in hairdryer. 

'I'll do it.' I said, and she handed me the electronic without another question. 

'I will let Vince know that you're back. He might want to see you.' She forewarned, probably understanding that there was some slight tension between us. I didn't acknowledge her, she walked out of the ensuite, and out of the room.

I hopped down from the ledge and ran a brush through my hair as I turned on the hot air. I continued for another five minutes, until I heard my bedroom door open again, and shut off the dryer. I quickly brushed through the knots one last time, and examined my straight locks through the mirror. 

I really wished that Juliet had come back alone, but I wasn't completely shocked to find that Vince was by her side. She cleared her throat when she saw my blazing eyes piercing through him, and walked past me into the bathroom.

She closed the door behind her and left my eldest brother and I alone in the large bedroom. I stayed silent. I didn't want to speak with him right now. I left the house because I needed to get away from here, him especially. 

'Sit on the bed.' He nodded then folded his arms. 

'I'm fine where I am.' I stood my ground.

'Sit on the bed.' He repeated, then neared me. He knew that I wouldn't have wanted to be around him at this moment, so from an instinct, I moved around and onto the bed.

'I did that because I wanted, not because you told me too.' I was stubborn, I knew it, he knew it too. He didn't respond, only started up a new conversation by saying 2 words I never would have heard sincerely from him.

'I'm sorry.'

I leapt into action; this wasn't right. I reached back and grabbed a pillow from my bed, and flung it at my brother, staring gobsmacked throughout. It hit him, he didn't flinch, only raised a brow. I wasn't convinced, I grabbed another one, throwing it harder this time, so it landed directly on his torso.

'Was that necessary?' He commented on the pillow throwing, catching a third one that I literally launched at his head.

'I feel like I'm hallucinating.' I feigned dizziness as I put a hand to my forehead. He rolled his eyes, and approached me. I shot him a look, making him stay a couple of metres away from me.

'I told you, that boy couldn't make a mark on me, but what he's done to you affects me more than anything he could have done directly to me. I feel your protection is necessary, admittedly it is pretentious, and can be overwhelming. I'm not going to apologize for the abundance of bodyguards I have for you, however, I will apologize for keeping it from you. You share what we ask of you, it is only fair that we respond healthily to that.' At the end of his words was somewhat of a negotiation. He slipped that in there very nicely, I must give him that.

'I do appreciate your words, and I do understand to some extent. But you really can't expect me to forgive you, I wasn't even considering it.' I sighed, and looked down to my lap.

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