38. Pure Royalty

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Disbelief, shock, surprise- whatever you may call it, all expressions were present on my face, most likely resulting in a ridiculed disarray.

How had he known? He could not have possibly known! We were alone in the bathroom the entire time, it only happened a few hours ago so the memory was fresh in my mind. I remember being alone.

My basic task had already been overridden by none other than Vincent- I shouldn't have been stunned by this, it's the least I could expect from people like the ones I am related too.

But how he found out was the question.

Liam undoubtedly was not stupid enough to turn himself in, or willingly expose himself; there also weren't any cameras because, well, it was a bathroom.

Senseless ideologies ran through my mind, each one eating at my brain as I tried to figure out how he had known. Was he aware of Liam's plan the whole time? Surely not, he would have put a stop to it. Maybe it was just a lucky guess, and my stammering and priceless face just confirmed it. Maybe he hired spies to follow me wherever I go, camouflaging into the backgrounds so that I could never point them out.

As bizarre as the last thought may sound, certain technology could possibly exist, and I wouldn't put it past my family to invest in it. The great lengths they would go to in order to keep me safe. It was no secret that I had the most fortification, but for what reason? My gender, fictional vulnerability, lack of strength... I could not possibly think of a trait that my brothers possess that I don't, other than their muscular builds. I would argue that I am more streetwise by far.

The spy thing didn't leave my mind like the others, in my head, this didn't seem too far-fetched, and I was seriously considering asking about it. I decided against it and thought of a way to get myself out of this mess, since I was now being stared at, scarily might I add.

'Liam who?' I attempted to play dumb, but my plan was quickly ruled a failure when I took notice of his displeased visage.

'I'm assuming that he is now a problem.'

'No.' I said, slightly more hostile than I had originally anticipated. Awkwardly, I cleared my throat and lowered my voice as I spoke again. 'No, everything is fine.' He narrowed his piercing eyes and separated his once clasped hands, reaching for his phone which had just lit up with a notification. He glanced at the screen for an insufficient number of long seconds.

'I suggest you don't lie. Or we will have a problem.' He said, eyes not leaving whatever message it was that caught his attention in the first place. He sighed, briefly closing his eyes for a moment, then placing his phone back in it's previous spot, on top of a black, ceramic coaster.

'How much do you already know?' I hoped for a direct answer this time, it didn't have to be detailed or exact, just enough to not leave me in absolute darkness. That wasn't asking too much of him.

'More than you would hope.'

'Can you give me a straight answer?' I groaned, finally plucking up enough courage to ask for the impossible. I grew to dislike this conversation more and more as it went along.

'Not until you give me one.' He answered, although not an answer I was hoping for. He leant back as if he figured that we would be here for a while, not practicing the hurried manner which he demonstrated earlier. Now that he is finally interested in something, he has time. Now he has fucking time?!

'What do you want to know?' I gave in, knowing that winning against Vincent would happen only when the oceans turn into mashed potatoes.

'Liam threatened you, what did he say?' He seemed pleased that I finally decided to comply, fully knowing that he had entire control over the situation once again.

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