37. Infinity

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We have come to the last chapter; bittersweet. Thanks for reading! Enjoy.


When Seth and Nate tell their family and friends of their engagement; they are all happy for them. Of course, Karla says that she knew it all along, that it was going to happen. Danny is happy that he is getting a new dad. They decide on a late spring wedding even though they will have to wait almost a year.

Meanwhile, Kaiden becomes part of their lives and they consider him a friend. His parents initially have a hard time accepting his decision to be part of Danny’s life, but slowly come to terms with it. Scarlett and him rebuild their relationship thanks to Danny, who insists they hang out together whenever Scarlett visits with the excuse that Seth and Nate need to go on a dates.

Karla and Adrian’s relationship is flourishing. Adrian proposes and Karla accepts. Robert and Esteban are doing great. Robert in one of his moments proposes to Esteban and when he says yes, Robert drags him to the courthouse to get marry. On their way to the courthouse, he has Esteban call everyone to meet them there. They live together and Robert talks about wanting to have a baby, but fortunately, for now, Esteban convinces him to wait a couple of years. As for Eric and Sandra they’ve been on a couple of dates, but nothing serious as far as anyone can see. Elena and Brian now also have a baby girl, who they named Payton. Caleb loves spending time with his baby sister, but knows he has to be careful with her. Danny loves little Payton. It’s adorable seeing how protective and caring both of them are with her.

As the date to their wedding draws nearer, Seth and Nate talk about family and ask Danny if he would like a brother or sister. He tells them it doesn’t matter what they decide he will love him or her. The wedding is small, but sophisticated. Only their family and closest friends are in attendance. Everyone is full of smiles and laughter. Little Payton is the ringbearer and Caleb carries her and Danny is the best man. After eating, they all go to the dancefloor. Caleb takes his little sister to dance causing everyone to smile at the sight. He carries her in his arms while Danny is close dancing with them.

When the night comes to a close, Seth and Nate say goodbye to Danny and everyone else, so that they may go on their honeymoon. Seth tells Danny to behave for Karla, Adrian, and his grandparents. Seth is nervous to leave him for so long. He’s never been apart from Danny for so long.

“Seth, we have to go or we’ll miss the plane.” Nate says as he squeezes Seth’s shoulder.

Seth nods and gives Danny a hug and a kiss. Then, Nate gives Danny a hug and a kiss.

“Danny, see you later and expect a call from us. Seth will want to call to know how you’re doing.”

“Yes, Nate.” Danny responds. “Dads, I love you both and have fun.” He adds as Seth and Nate get into the car.

“He called me dad.” Nate states.

“Yes, he did.” Seth confirms, “he has seen you as a dad for a long time. I think he knew before I did that we wanted you in our family.”

Nate smiles, “I’m honored to be part of your family, Seth Mendoza-Wallace.”

“We are too, Nate Mendoza-Wallace.”

They return after a week and they walk into their house and are greeted with an eerie silence.

“Where is everyone? I thought they were going to be waiting for us.” Seth asks.

“Hmm, in the back of the house?”

“But I don’t even smell any food.”

“That I don’t know. Let’s go check the backyard.” Nate concludes.

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