2. The Request

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Here's the next chapter! Thanks nickhickdreams for helping : ). And thanks to everyone else who's reading.


Seth drives to the police station, ready to make his request. He is determined to keep the baby and is eager to meet whatever requirements they set for him. He feels nervous as he thinks about what would happen if he does get custody of the newborn.

Even though he is only twenty years old and in his second year of college, Seth has a full scholarship to pay for his college tuition and a fairly good job that allows him to live comfortably. Aside from finances, he also has to consider his roommate and best friend, Karla. He can't make the final decision without her. Seth knows that she loves kids, but she is also extremely busy with college.

Will she be fine with me keeping the baby at the apartment or will I have to move out? The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks she'll agree with him. I'm sure she will be fine. It will put a strain on both of our lives, but she'll fall in love with the baby, just like I did.

Pushing away the thoughts of that potential problem, Seth walks into the courthouse and fills out the necessary paperwork. The secretary informs him that he will receive a call to tell him when he is to return and meet the judge in charge of the case.



"I was walking out of the supermarket when a girl handed me a bundle and it turned out to be a baby boy," Seth repeats slowly.

"I know. I heard you the first time. I just can't believe this would happen to you." Karla responds. "So what happened to the baby?" She asks.

"Well, I took him to the hospital and an officer came to take my statement. The baby is healthy, but a social worker took him. He's supposed to go into foster care."

"That's good that he's healthy, but I sense you want to say something else."


"Just spit it out!"

"I want to keep the baby. I went to make the request."

"Do you realize know how much work a baby is, especially a newborn? We're still in college too."

"Yes, but I feel responsible for him because she chose me to give me her baby. He's too cute too. I don't want him growing up in foster care. Trust me, I know it's going to be a lot of work taking care of Danny."

"You already named him. That's means you've already made up your mind, so there's no point in trying to sway you. When will they get back to you about his situation?"

"The secretary just said as soon as possible."

"Okay, so where is he going to sleep? And we need to come up with a schedule of who is going to take care of him and when."

"You're going to help me?" Seth asks surprise.

"Of course! He's living with us. Besides they might want to know what support you will have, especially knowing that you're still in college. I'll be his aunt. You're like my brother you know. I'll be there to help you."

"Thanks Karla," Seth responds gratefully with a hug.


A week later, Seth is called in to see Judge Carlos. The judge questions Seth about his plans for his future and assesses his ability to take care of the baby. He seems doubtful at first, but as he speaks to the young man, he quickly sees how life would be better for the child if he were to live with Seth. He grants Seth probationary custody of little Danny.  If Seth proves to be able to take good care of the baby during the two month probationary period, he will obtain full custody. The judge also assigns him a mandatory parenting class that Seth happily agrees to take.

Since there are no traces of the mother or any other relatives, the judge allows Seth to name the baby. Instead of a nameless newborn, the small baby is named Danny Mendoza. Seth can't believe his luck. There isn't anything that will stop him from becoming Danny's Dad.

He and Karla then gone to the home that Danny had been placed in during the short time that he had been under the custody of the state. Seeming to recognize Seth, little Danny shows off his dimples as Seth carries him in his arms. As Seth predicted, Karla falls in love as soon as she saw the smiling baby. Although life is getting far more complicated and unexpected, Seth is beyond happy to have a son.


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