14. Bittersweet

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Ya'll don't have to wait so long this time for another update, but you might after this one. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Thank you for reading :).


 Watching from the stands, Seth is having a hard time keeping his eyes off Nate. He should be keeping up with his son's movements, especially at this moment, since Danny has the soccer ball, but he finds himself following Nate’s movements.

Danny is in the middle of the field, two of the other team’s players approaching him on both sides, but out of nowhere Caleb appears some ten feet in front of him. He kicks it to Caleb before the other players get the chance to take the ball from him. Caleb takes it with no interference and he’s running down the field. He shoots and it bounces back from the goalie, but Danny is right there and kicks it shooting it above the goalie’s head making the goal. Everyone erupts into a cheer for Caleb and Danny. Their team won.


At the celebration, Nate quickly introduces Seth to Scarlett seeing he’s busy serving the guests. Once everyone is eating Seth goes to sit opposite Nate. He turns to see where Danny is sitting in the grass with his teammates. Like always he’s sitting next to Caleb and making sure everyone is included.

As if Nate is reading his thoughts, he says, “Danny is a good kid. He’s always making sure to everyone is included.”

Seth’s response is interrupted by the ringing of his phone. It’s an unknown number and the feeling of worry that he’s had since this afternoon strengthens. He nervously answers the phone only to receive the news that Karla has been in an accident and she’s in the city’s hospital. Nate sees the happiness in Seth’s expression being replaced by a blank face.  

“I have to go.” Seth says suddenly getting up and rushing back inside the house.

He looks for Caleb’s parents, so that he can leave them in charge before rushing out. Thankfully, they run into each other in the hallway.

“Can you take care of the party and Danny? I have to go to the hospital. It’s Karla.” He explains leaving without a response. He knows he can count on them.

Nate is right behind him and hears his explanation. He sees Scarlett by the refreshment table and lets her know he’s going to accompany Seth and leaves her his car keys.

Seth clicks the key to open his car, but his hands are shaking.

I can’t lose Karla. She’s the only family I have. She has to be all right. Why couldn’t she just let me know?

Nate grabs the keys and tells him he’ll drive. Reluctantly, Seth goes to the passenger side and gets in. The ride to the hospital seems eternal. When they arrive instead of dropping Seth off by the door Nate parks the car. Seth has been quiet during the whole ride, so he’s afraid Seth has gone into shock.

“Seth we’re here.”

At those words Seth turns to open the car door.  He starts walking toward the emergency entrance once he sees where it is. Nate hurries to catch up with him. They both arrive at the emergency desk, seeing that Seth is unable to form the question Nate asks for Karla Howard. He gives thanks to his memory for remembering names by just hearing them once.

“Yes, you need to wait in the sitting room. The doctor will come out and let you know how she’s doing. Right now, they’re taking care of her.”

“Okay, thank you.” Taking Seth by the hand he takes him to sit by the corner.

“Don’t think negative thoughts. She’ll be fine. They didn’t say anything negative nor was the nurse’s expression like something is majorly wrong. She’ll make it.” Nate tries to sooth Seth.

It looks like it somewhat works.  They wait for a while loosing track of time. Meanwhile, Nate rubs circles in Seth’s hand.  Seth remains quiet, but the soothing that comes from Nate keeps him from losing himself in his negative thoughts. What should have been a good day has turned into an unexpected night. He didn’t even know that Karla was actually coming. Last time, he had talked to her, she said she wouldn’t be able to come because of her work. He smiles at the thought because it is just like Karla to do everything she can to make it to whatever event she had promised to go, especially if it is for Danny. Nate keeps watching Seth, he wonders what Seth is thinking. At that moment, the doors to the emergency room open and a doctor walks out.

“Are there relatives for Karla Howard?”

“Yes, we are.” Seth replies.

He said we. Nate thinks.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Wallace. Karla is going to be fine. We’ve run the necessary tests that’s what took so long, but there’s nothing majorly wrong. She does have a concussion and just a bruised back. It’s going to give her trouble for a while, but she’s very lucky.”

“Can we see her?” Nate asks.

“Only one person at a time. Also, right now she’s asleep. Her room is the last one down the hallway on the right.”

“Okay, Seth go on. I’ll wait here for you.”

Seth gives a nod before leaving to go to Karla’s room.

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