7. See You Later

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Here is the next chapter. Thank you for reading, commenting, or voting. Thanks for all the support. Enjoy. 


Seth unlocks the door and quickly hurries to join the group in the living room.

“Hey, Danny did you get all the bags?”

“Yes, Aunt Karla.”

“Did you hide your dad’s gift? You know if he sees it he’s going to try to guess what we got him. It gets annoying.”

“Yes, it’s inside the bag with the other gifts.”

“Do you think he’s inside?” she asks while grabbing the door handle. “Danny, do you think your dad forgot to lock the door?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Because it’s open. Stay here,” Karla whispers.

Knowing that his dad probably left it open purposely Danny quietly follows Karla into the house.

Nothing looks out of place nor is there any noise. Karla thinks somewhat relaxing.

She nears the living room when she hears a sound (someone had bumped into the table) causing her heart to skip a beat. She looks around for a weapon, but finds none. She takes a breath before stepping into the living room in a fighting stance.

“SURPRISE!” Everyone choruses enthusiastically.

Karla’s mouth hangs open. She can’t believe what they have done. Seth steps out of the crowd and walks towards her grabbing her in a hug and congratulating her again bringing her out of her shocked state. After, all her friends give her hugs and congratulate her, she turns around searching for Seth and Danny. She sees them on the other side of the room next to Eric, she walks towards them. Danny sees her and whispers to his dad.

“Should have known that you both were up to something.” Karla states, “since Danny insisted on going to the mall. Then, after dropping Caleb off he said ‘you later’ and he’s here now.”

Danny smiles innocently at her, “I just wanted to get my presents for dad and my friends and wanted you to come with me.”


“Really, why don’t you believe me?” Danny whines dramatically while Eric is trying not to laugh at the interchange.

“Because we all know that you would help your dad with these type of things. You like doing nice things for others. Thank you.” She smiles adoringly at Danny.

He returns it with a hug.

“Love you Aunt Karla.”

“Love you too. And thank you, Seth, and Eric, because I’m sure you helped too.”

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