27. Charming

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Here's the next part :) and there wasn't much wait for it! Thanks for all the votes/comments and reads!


Nate, Seth, and Danny arrive at the beach and they look around for Seth’s parents. Seth sends them a text telling they’ve arrive and Elizabeth tells him they’re by the giant sandcastle someone built. Danny is the one to spot the castle and they head in their direction.

“Good morning, Elizabeth and Emilio.” Seth greets.

“Good morning.” Emilio replies.

“Good morning. How was the ride over?”

“It was good though Danny here wouldn’t be quiet at all throughout the whole ride.” Seth replies.

Chuckling Nate says, “like someone I know when he’s excited about something.”

“Hey, I don’t talk that much.”

“Like son like mother.” Emilio says.

Interrupting them Elizabeth says, “come on take a seat.”

Seating down and telling Danny to sit beside him, Seth begins the introductions.

“Danny, she is Elizabeth, my mother, and he is Emilio, my father.”

They smile at Danny and Danny returns their smiles along with a nice to meet you.

“Danny, you can call us grandma and grandpa or Elizabeth and Emilio.” Elizabeth says.


“So your father told us you love soccer. Do you like other sports too?” Emilio says.

“Yes, I like basketball too, but soccer is my favorite.”

“How do you like school? What’s your favorite subject?” Elizabeth asks.

“I like it. Math is my favorite.”

“Your grandmother is the math person in this family. I’m more of a science person although it does have math too.” Emilio says.

“Where do you work?” Danny asks.

“I work as a science professor.”

Where do you work, grandma?”

It warms all of their hearts to hear Danny call Elizabeth, grandma, and Emilio, grandpa, when he has just met them. Seth knew he would choose to call them his grandparents. Danny has always been so accepting of things. A reason why he isn’t too worried to tell Danny about his own mother if Scarlett indeed turns out to be his mother.

“I used to work as a teacher too, but now I have my own bakery.”

“That’s so exciting! Can we go see it?”

“Yes, later we can, Danny.”

“Now, let’s go swimming or do you want to build a castle Danny?” Emilio asks.

“I want to go swimming. We can build a castle later.”

They spend the morning swimming and trying to play volleyball. Danny isn’t very good, but he’s having fun. After a while they decide to build their sandcastle. Seth and Nate stroll off on their own leaving Danny and his grandparents to bond alone.

“Danny, do you want a big or a small castle?” Elizabeth asks.

“A big one!”

“We’re going to need a lot of sand. Are you sure you want to get all the sand we need? It’s going to take a while.”

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